Things you can try to get to the linked page
Larger websites (HGTV, PCC, etc.) which have changed or moved
Individual's websites & photo-sharing sites changed or moved
If your own site moves or changes
What you can do to help (for other links)


Glass Attic is a huge website which has built up thousands of links over the years, many of which are now broken (the average is about 1/3, I'm guessing).

The non-working hyperlinks fall into several categories:
... to a different page within the owner's website (often when the owner "reorganizes" --breaking all bookmarks to the page or image)
... to another host, or to another photo-sharing site (especially since fees are now often charged at photo sharing sites)
... removed by the webmaster because they're "old"... or because the site has changed its focus (often to a business model)
... removed-disappeared because they were on a website which has been removed or abandoned (or highjacked)

Unfortunately, there are so many links (and broken links) on the entire GlassAttic site that it would be impossible for me to check or change them all. (I'm making the assumption that most people would want the more info I'd added daily than having each and every link working correctly.)

Some of the photos referred to in the non-working links can still be found though with a little investigation by using the suggestions below, but others have gone poof completely .... that's the Brave New World of the internet <g>.

things you can try if a link doesn't work

In general, if a URL** includes a suffix (last portion, usually after the .com or .net) which leads to the individual page or photo you're seeking, you can remove that suffix from the URL in your browser window leaving only the home page, then try the new abbreviated link instead.
...If that works, it may take you the home page, or to a page farther up in the hierarchy of the site.
...You may then be able to search around and find the page or photo you're seeking from that point (because sometimes a site owner will have moved a photo from one page to another, or combined some of her/his pages, or even reformatted their whole site as happened with HGTV, etc.).

....for instance, if this link were to seem broken when you clicked on it (you got a Page Not Found window)
....... try removing the librarylist.htm suffix, or remove even more (library/librarylist.htm), or even remove all the way back to .org, then try the new link...... that last removal (to .org) should bring you back to the home page of the domain, if it still exists.

some LARGER websites which have made global changes

(for info on the largest single source of broken links at GlassAttic, Photopoint albums, see below under "Photosharing sites")

PolymerClayCentral website --any links which were previously listed are now at the new PolymerClayCentral domain (site used to be hosted by Delphi)
Substitute "" for "" in any of the links you wish to use.'s an example:
OLD url: ---be sure to replace the dot after www
NEW url:

PcPolyzine website...problems especially with older issues and lessons previously located at Geocities:
... this page shows the archived issues: for
the issues: **November-December 2000 & January 2001...inner links are broken for those issue, but can try looking for particular tutorials in Archived Tutorials

** or could try substitution in url for those few issues/ example: (correct) (old, broken)

HGTV (lesson pages) --HGTV has reformatted their entire site, or at least the lesson pages; I'm trying to find the new pages and enter them whenever I run across them.
Here's an example:
OLD url :,,HGTV_3238_1371826,00.html ...(this will now just take you to their home page:
NEW url :,,HGTV_3238_1371826,00.html
. . . as you can see, there is no indication of how to find the new url from the old url ... also doesn't indicate the show numberl!!
o, to find the new URL at HGTV yourself:
--go to
--in the "Search by Topic" box, enter the name of the show's guest or enter words related to the project
.....(try to use the most uncommon words you think will apply to the title of the show... this is what can make them hard to find!)
--click Go (in the Topic box)
--then you'll have to look through all the programs (on all the results pages) for the particular show you're wanting

Sculpey projects pages --each project has its own page now (no more long column of photos on main page)
OLD url: (remove the "fset_ ")
NEW url: (new url )

PCPolyzine (online polymer clay zine)
... may need to add www. to some (or all?) URL's
for example: instead of 

The National Polymer Clay Guild has redone their site which has caused most of the links to be broken... I think that eventually many of those pages may return, but don't know.... Try going to their main page then clicking around, paying special attention to what the original link said (e.g., Ravensdale 200 photos, etc.)

PolymerClayHaven had some great lessons and photos... they suspended the website a while back, but have said in the past that they would return (still haven't though)...Meanwhile you may be able to find some of them at these websites: and (now also gone)

some INDIVIDUAL's websites & photo-sharing sites which have changed/moved

NoraJean Gatine's site has changed (again... Nov. 2006) ...Jan 25, 2008, having temporary problems
...there is no longer a site, but all those things have been put at, as far as I can tell try changing an individual link.... substitute com/Biz-Archive for biz in the old url
..........for example, change this to this:

....or just start from the new front page, etc., and try to find what you want (and good luck!!)
ALSO: (note there are now some under New_Projects too)
Table of Contents (individual links... can do a "search" on that page probably)
some of her earlier things from Photopoint or GeoCities can now be found from here:
Read more about finding things at norajean's various sites here: (scroll down to Web Admin Notification)
OLDER: used to be ...
NOW now is (
(so for all her links which don't work, try substituting biz for the com)

Cynthia Tinapple... many of the old photos of her things and others' things now at: ... so from an old link, just add oldsite/ after .com/

Tonja's Treasures (been rearranged?)...

Irish Red's (Kim Kennedy's) Polyclay Page is up again

Cindy's site used to be at

Kathy G (Gedrich)'s photo-sharing site used to be at Hobbystage
NOW at Epson:

nenuphar at has 51 links here at GlassAttic
... all now broken (don't know if she's put up her photos anywhere else) has rearranged...
NOW look from main page:

Diana Crick's pages on mixing colors, making quilt canes, etc. was
NOW .... is now at
NOW...if looking for references to books/videos, etc, use
...if looking for photos of Lisa's work, start with

more on Photosharing sites ("albums')

Photopoint, the (now-old) photo-sharing site so many of us clayers used, has now gone out of business.
Since so many of my links at Glass Attic were for Photopoint pages (over 1000), I have now replaced them with the words (websites gone)
... however, I'm leaving the text which described what was shown in the referenced photo because it often contains a "good idea." DB


If YOUR entire site MOVES to a different HOST

If you are the owner of a regular website or photo-sharing page which has moved to a new address:
....let me know the following things, and I can change your info much more easily:

1-- your name
2-- your exact old web address
3-- your new web address


If YOU REORGANIZED your site, its pages, or individual photos

Let me know the following things:

1-- your name
2-- your exact old web address
3-- your new web address
4-- the old and new addresses for each page changed that you found listed here at GlassAttic (or the page at GA it's on)
5-- the old and new addresses for each photo changed that you found listed here at GlassAttic


Multiple changes for entire websites can be extremely time consuming and difficult to do since each one has to be searched for and changed individually by moi. I will try to change as many easy links or individual important links as I can, but because of other things there is little time these days and I can't offer any guarantees.
Giving the exact old addresses and new addresses, or at least the individual page you found them on here, will make the job much easier for me though (and more likely to get done).

You may also want to list which links you consider to be the most important first (and separately) when you write to me, so that I can be sure and do at least those.

(if you're interested)
What you can do
to help fix individual broken links at Glass Attic

If you notice a broken link, AND if you happen to know the new exact URL for it (or if you care enough to go searching for it for yourself and want to share!), I will be happy to change it if you drop me a line .... if can *find it quickly at GA*, it's much easier to do.

So this is what I'd need:

1-- the Glass Attic page you found it on (.....preferably a link, but just the page's name is ok too)
2-- the subcategory name on that page... OR the text of the line immediately above the link ( I can use Ctrl + F to find it quickly)
3-- the new link

**URL = a website's address... this appears in my hyperlink, and also in your browser window after you've been successfully transferred to a page

My tidbit cupboard was looking mighty bare so I was thrilled I received a link to Z Kripke. I knew Z’s work from years ago and she’s a master caner. How disappointed was I when I found the link dated 1999 and the email bounced back? Sigh. I don’t know what’s become of Z. Z’s work is still fun to look at.
...I encourage all of you to take down the old work, put up new. We need to keep this art fresh and keep those web sites dusted and up-to-date. Cynthia T.

I beg you to reconsider this advice!. . . and instead ask those with invaluable treasure troves of polymer items to create new pages and categories for them.
.....When those “old” pages are removed or even “reorganized,” it breaks all the links that anyone might have made to them (inlcuding my polymer clay “encyclopedia” website
....I believe it’s also important to encourage *all* polymer clayers to explore everything they can, and to understand all the things that can be done with the medium. They’ll have a much harder time doing that if they’re never able to see those many works (which are btw often excellent examples for illustrating what might be meant by a particular technique, or comment, etc., and the great variety that’s possible within them).
....I appreciate that artists who use polymer clay may want to have only their very latest work easily seen, but it seems that that could also be accomplished without removing those treasure troves from the rest of us …perhaps by continuing to add new pages, and simply relegating older things to hyperlinks somewhere less obvious on the site?
(Anything which wouldn’t break the thousands of links at my website by changing any of their exact URL’s would be very appreciated!)
Thanks for listening, Diane B.


