the clay (for painting on
top of it)
Acrylic paints
(all uses)
...gen. info ...other uses
pearlescent & glitter acrylic paints (reg.bodied)
.........making your own metallic/pearl. paints
........Neopaque (non-metallic) ...Lumiere + LunaLights (metallic)
...other acrylic paints (?), etc.
Oils + oil-like
paints, etc.
.....true oils + oil pastels
set oils (Genesis)
"oils" (water-mixable... Max, Artisan)
paints (permanently soluble) --watercolors, tempera
Misc. re paints... &
other paints
Colored Pencils
Stencils, etc.
...& patinas
Crackling, stretching,
& manipulating paint
...acrylic paints, inks...tempera...clear finishes...etc.
(re all paints + books/etc.)
...liquid clay
...thinned solid clay
& onlay
......drawn outline on wood, masonite, fabric
outline under glass, acrylic, translucent papers
materials & ways
...misc. re "paintings"
(with paints & inks)
....screenprinting (reg, w/ "frames")
....PhotoEZ ...Print Gocco (no reg. frames, photosensitive)
(Photosensitive) polymer plates for
texture plates
info on markers & inks, dip pens used with inks,
etc, in Letters-Inks
RAW clay (using paint on or in):
... oil
paints can be used, but be sure to bake after application to thoroughly
dry them (5 min at 250) ...(some types of "enamel" aren't good)
oils" such as Artisan by Winsor Newton
or Max...on raw clay... use with water ...let dry, but also bake to set
....acrylic paints can be used on top of clay in various ways, or between
clay sheets, but let dry thoroughly before baking because acrylic
paints can cause bubbling in the clay if they are
baked inside clay while wet (they still contain moisture, which
turns to steam when heated... a little may be okay, esp. if tube paint)
BAKED clay (using paint on):
....oil paints can be used
on top but probably best to bake after application to thoroughly dry
them (5 min at 250)...(some types of "enamel" aren't good)
oils" such as Artisan by Winsor Newton, or Max
...on baked clay... use with water...let dry, but also bake to set
....acrylic paints can be used on top (but may need several layers
for best coverage, and/or see gesso below in Prep.for Painting)
using the "heat set acrylics" like Genesis, then bake afterward
to cure)
You can, of course, also mix your own paint colors by buying several basic colors, along with white and black (see Color)
PREPARING the clay for Painting Opaquely ON TOP of it
(see more on preparations for various paints & chalks, etc., below in their individual categories)
(see just above for summary of paints to use)
Generally color is built into the clay,
since virtually any color can be mixed when using clay, but some people (especially
sculptors and those who haven't done other things with polymer clay) add color
by painting on top of the clay instead.
Some who build color in for all other
parts of a sculpt, e.g., may still use paints and other mediums on top of clay
for thin washes to create lip and cheek color over skin-colored clay though.
using Sculpey clays to paint on), in general it's better to use Super
Sculpey clay rather than plain white original
Sculpey in the box, since SS is so much stronger... long
term your pieces will hold up better using it. Jodi Creager
(not Sculpey III) baked at a slightly higher temp (just under 300 degrees)
will darken, but it also
proves to make the clay fairly strong.
Katherine Dewey (
especially good if you will be painting the baked SS or covering it with more
...Kathy Dewey uses Premo
beige clay, then paints over it (she is a renowned artist with two books on
sculpting). Patty B. (was this a change from SS?)
In order to paint on baked clay, the clay must first at least be cleaned, and possibly primed, to make the paint adhere well:
oils (including
hand oils) and possibly waxes on the surface of the
clay can keep water-based paints from sticking well
to the clay, or cause them to bead up
(... underbaked
clay will
also cause these problems)
... so before painting anything on
polymer, degrease the surface first by using a little
soap and water and a toothbrush, then rinse ( this removes
any residue that remains on the surface after baking
and gives the piece a better tooth for the paint to cling). Jodi
I have also used concentrated dishwashing liquid to de-grease clay
- you then have to rinse under the tap and dry
it with a tissue, but it works too.
...or degrease with alcohol ...alcohol based
solvents: surgical spirit, isopropyl, methylated spirits, denatured alcohol
(many of these are virtually identical but under different names in different
countries)... I expect you could use gin or vodka if you wanted (but what a waste!)
.......I think they all just evaporate so quickly
that they do not have a chance to attack the clay, just degrease the surface.
......If you brush over the surface of baked polyclay with methylated spirit
(denatured alcohol) you can get even the thinnest acrylic washes to stick
without beading. Nail varnish remover works as well..... I get some good
watercolour effects on clay like this.
...I had a bit of problem
with using too much nail polish remover
at one time - that is acetone based
and did crack the clay. Sue
... If you are painting
on Fimo, it is better to seal the surface first with
matt or gloss varnish before degreasing and painting
... this stops the paint bleeding into the clay in time - only a problem with
Fimo in my experience, though. . .Sue
...the shiney
areas on your clay probably mean that you have tended to over-smooth
the clay more in certain areas with either a tool or your
finger... to remove the shine, you can 'wet' the surface with
water and rub ...something I recommend to do before painting
anyway. Jodi
since acrylic paints are somewhat translucent,
one or more coats of white or light paint or
gesso underneath may be necessary before beginning to "paint"
(see also Dipping, just below)
(also called a "ground" or "size")
is just a very opaque acrylic paint, used for priming
canvas and other surfaces to receive paint comes in white, black,
gray and a very few other colors (most common is white)... most of
the major paint companies put out some version of gesso ...
there is also a relatively new "clear" gesso which leaves a very
nice "tooth" on the surface for holding paint
...."gesso has been around for a long time and there are many recipes
for its ingredients... one ingredient is calcium hydroxate (plaster) or
similar material which is what gives it "tooth" for drawing the paint
into the ground (as opposed to floating on top).. gesso gives a flexible
adhesion, which keeps paint from flaking off since canvas tends to expand
and contract with environmental condition changes." Bob Tavis
gesso will help paint stick better, and allow it
to appear richer and more opaque (...then may
need fewer layers)
too would start with a one coat of gesso before painting
(.... thin it 50/50 with water and do maybe two coats , drying
well in between)... Jodi
paint on pc all the time, oil paints and acrylics.... I simply use a gesso
primer first, then corresponding sealer. I have pieces that are over 15 years
old that still look 'new.'
...or instead of a white
or light coat, a particular primer color which
is most suited for the piece can be used, and
layers of paint may be built up over it (... could
be a dark color for shadows, or whatever basic color you want to show).
you are painting acrylics on Fimo
in particular, it is better to seal the surface first with matt or gloss
varnish, then degrease and paint.... this stops the paint
bleeding into the clay in time - only a problem with
Fimo in my experience, though. . .Sue
is for use on both porous and non-porous surfaces.... coats textured
surfaces to create an even, smooth, white non-porous painting surface yet on the
other hand creates a slight texture or "tooth" over smooth surfaces for easier
paint adhesion...apply over dark colors or surfaces when basecoating in a lighter
color - results in fewer layers of paint and will keep your lighter basecoat color
ideal for basecoating paper mâché, canvas, masonite, tin cans, shortening
cans, etc
.......can also be used to fill in
slight imperfections in wood can be sanded when
dry for an even smoother surface. rainee
also dries fast! To keep ridges from forming, paint
quickly, do not try to put too much on your brush, and don't use a sponge brush.
J. Smith
....I suggest priming it with light coats of Floquil
or Krylon primer prior to painting.
....You can use
automotive bumper spray primer ( made for vinyl ) or any
good primer as a base then paint away (but what about propellants
in sprays later reacting with cl
I might sand a little first to get the paint to stick better .... Black Feather ...(just a little... maybe with steel wool?)
dips her small baked clay figures into diluted acrylic paint to give an
even overall covering and avoid brushmarks (using a wire through
the top loop in the item).... pops any bubbles she sees ... then hangs them to
drip dry, removing with a brush the drip that forms initially ... could also be
used for priming
....the also then adds details with a pigment pen or
or dots of acrylic paint stamped on (for more on this, see
Letters-Inks > Inks for Drawing & Writing)
also then dips the item in clear gloss finish the same way
as into the paint --see more on that technique in
> Dipping, under Varathane)
(photos in middle of page)
adding color by using washes of paint or chalks, et c., on flesh-colored
clay for coloring only cheeks, lips, eyes, hair or other areas --rather
than painting opaquely over all the clay -- see Heads
> Skin > Coloring Skin
. . . and also below in Acrylics,
Water-Miscible Oils, Chalks, and maybe more)
General Info
paints are the paints used most often to "paint" on baked polymer
clay, but they are also with clay used in various other ways
as well.
.....(for painting on baked clay
and dipping clay in diluted paint, see above in Preparing the
Clay before painting).
The problem with using acrylic paints
inside raw clay is that they contain water,
and water can turn to steam in the oven and physically bubble
up under the clay or create areas of opaqueness and plaquing
....however, some clayers have successfully used acrylics in raw clay (as
opposed to using them on clay then allowing to dry), but they feel
that only a little acrylic can be used, and that it should be well-distributed
in the clay so there aren't larger pools of moisture may also
be that the acrylic paints in tubes work better because they are more concentrated
color, with less water
...bubbles can arise in any clay, but plaquing
may not show up much in opaque clays (or a small amount of white
opaque clay might be added when mixing to hide them)
(some examples
of the other ways acrylic paints can be used with clay:)
...... washes (paints
thinned with water or acrylic mediums for
some translucency or backgrounds, etc.)
brushed (paint worked into dry bristles then applied very lightly-- from just
the tips)
(rubbing paint all over a sculpt or textured clay, then wiping off
the topmost surface, leaving paint only in the crevices).. usually a dark brown
......highlighting a stamped or textured area, often with metallic
paints ...can be different colors (can also then flatten the textured
......ladled on and shaped in relief as pastes
(or painting details with a tiny brush in the normal way)
on top of raw clay (for example in mokume gane... or when applied,
dried, and then used for stretching to crackle, etc.)
(or combine any
of these uses)
A coat of
finish may be applied afterward only if you want (see
Finishes)... antiquing may be done afterwards also, if desired.
...I use no sealer or varnish unless I desire a glossy finish, e.
g. shiny eyes. Katherine Dewey
when I apply (a thicker layer? of) acrylic paint on a clay surface, I'll cover
it with a thin layer of TLS for protection from scratching off,
etc.). Desiree
...the best (and cheapest) sealant that I've used is diluted
PVA glue (white glue). after you've drawn or watercolored
on clay ...this works wonderfully well. As it's water based, one can dilute it
with water to whatever consistency one needs.....The beauty of this polymeric
glue is that it doesn't react with clay plasticisers, will withstand baking
temperatures and is completely clear when it dries. ... Alan V.
(for metallic or pearlescent acrylics in particular, see below in "Metallics". . . though they can be used in the same ways as regular acrylics)
Acrylic paints -especially quality artists' paints like Winsor Newton- seem to be the best for clay
tube acrylic paints are often better to use on clay
(and possibly in clay) than the bottled acrylic
"craft" paints tube paints,
there's more of the acrylic (thicker, less watered down), they stick
much better, and they fade less in the long term
below) I find that the brands Grumbacher
and Windsor Newton have a better 'stick-ability'. Jodi
...of all of the
acrylic paint brands, Liquitex (jar?) seems to adhere the best.
Katherine Dewey
....I have been painting polymer clay
for jewellery, minis, and dolls for about 15 years and
......I find the most
important thing is to get good quality "artist's
acrylics" like Liquitex or Winsor Newton, because
some cheaper
craft paints may bleed
or react (there's no need to use ceramic
or specialty paints unless you are deliberately seeking special effects). Sue
usually change to Liquitex or Golden if I'm looking for
translucent paints (...even with those brands you have
to double check the label to make sure they ARE translucent).
...If you're just using acrylic paint as
a wash or for
antiquing, either thicker or thinner types will
......but if you want a more opaque antiquing
effect, the thicker acrylics in a tube or a jar seem
to work better
"craft" paints in bottles all tend
to be much more opaque, which can sometimes be a useful trait
.... I sometimes like using inexpensive
paints in the 2-ounce bottles because they don't dry
instantly like the higher-quality acrylics do, so I have a little
longer open time to work with them (they have more water). Irene
.....I can recomend either Folk Art or Americana's acrylic paint....they
both have much more body to them Folk Art
paints, the containers with the gold caps are called "artists'
pigment" colors, and have the highest pigment content in the line. Diane
paint I consistently use now is Americana's DecoArt... colors are
bright; the paint is creamy, and I get good coverage
learned to paint using Delta CeramCoat, but
the company was sold several years ago and I feel they have started skimping on
how much pigment they use. J. Smith
.....I don't much care for Apple
Barrel (even though it is made by Plaid who also make Folk Art)...
Apple Barrel doesn't have as much pigment in it as other brands.
you decide to use the cheaper Ceramcoat acrylics, make sure
to "color test first, especially if you paint onto the wet clay
or paint onto baked clay and rebake (those paints tolerate the heat, but
they can get a minor "color
shift" that is good to know about before you bake it on your good
.......however, for painting small things (like
eyes, your signature, tipping, etc.) the Creamcoat bunch
are also the CHEAPEST
usually have to add a drop of dish soap to bottled
acrylic paint for
....... if you l put a drop of liquid Ivory in your water that
you use to thin your paints the paint will not bead up
Some of the cheaper
craft-type paints
(espeically reds) may begin to bleed
after a year or so.
...the (bottled?)
red acrylic I painted on (for lipstick) bled
...and then embedded
itself into the clay and turned orange... the whole area around the mouth
was orange way into the clay so that light sanding would not remove it. I had
to cut out the stain and rebuild the mouth... I don't know if adding another color
to it might contain the migrating red....Dawn
....That's happened to me
was with one of the acrylic craft
paints, I've had better luck staying
with Liquitex, but its still chancy, especially with reds.
red is the best red I have used ... and Folk Art green is the
best green I have used. Annette
....What might help is to coat the area with matte or
gloss medium and let it dry before painting with the red; a sort of barrier
layer. . . I'm also intrigued by the idea of using the relatively new "clear"
gesso for this purpose as it leaves a very nice "tooth" on the surface. Halla
... always coat the
cured clay with a layer of matt varnish (acrylic or
water or spirit-based) before you paint. This prevents
any bleeding or adverse reactions. My samples treated like this, using Fimo
spirit-based varnish, show no problems after 3 years so far.. . .Sue Heaser
....... I tried Flecto
Varathane as a barrier layer and the cheap red acrylic craft paint... not only
spread, it also turned orange-er.... I'm thinking its best to use that kind of
paint on paper projects and not PC (it was fine with Liquitex paints though).
You can also 'set'
the paint with a 150-250 degree bake
for only 10 min. or so (though it's not
...acrylic paint will be much harder and "baked
on" if you bake it after painting
...most acrylic
paints can bubble up
or craze when they are heated (
too hot, or too long?, but
okay if a little or thicker tube acyrlics?).
...paints intended for fabic painting and
heat setting, will work with the clay also. Matilda
I can't scrape the acyilic paint off no matter
how hard I try, if it's been baked.
thin and even coats of acrylic paint are the best ... and load your brush lightly. Annette
to minimize brush strokes (in larger areas?), use a nice sable brush dipped in water (a tip I learned from Lisa Pavelka in using her PolyGlaze). TrinaWhen painting, I suggest that you use a flat brush rather than a round brush... one that will cover the most area for the project you are using..... for wide coverage, I have a large assortment of flat brushes with chisel points..
rubber-tipped "brushes" can also be used to apply paint just where it's wanted when using acrylics or acrylic mixes
and techniques for painting on miniatures ... with various paints
I can paint small pieces more easily,
I attach a small object to the top of the golf tee with Fun Tack
the tees can then be stuck into floral foam or something similar for drying. Cynthia
I paint in thin washes
of acrylic paint, as opposed to one or two thick coats, to achieve the wonderful
rich and semi-translucent look (of that beautiful skin on the African
American dolls we are known for)
...I find that the paint sticks better
on the polymer if it is applied in this manner ....being sure to let dry
throughly in-between washes. Jodi
use water to thin
your acrylic paints...they will bead up and
not adhere as well to the clay
. . . .
. instead thin them with gesso, or an acrylic medium, or
Varathane (acrylic wood finish) can thin the consistency of
the paint to make washes and tints... or just to make thinner
coats). Sarajane
...I tint Varathane
with regular acrylic paints for glazes and antiquing.....
I'm sure you could use Pinata inks (alcohol-based), too. Kathy W.
a few drops of Future floor finish into the paint on your palette
will also make it adhere better to baked clay. Kathy R
rather like thin washes of acrylic paints (over a solid
color?) which are more translucent than solid applications of paint
(as a background or a ground colour).
......I find that when
I paint in washes though, I have to use a dry brush, or
otherwise the paint beads on the surface.
..... a particular
color of acrylic paint used as a
primer( which is most suited for the piece) could be used instead of
white primer, with layers
of paint built up over it (...the primer could be a dark
color for shadows, e.g., or whatever basic color you want to show through). animals
are all sculpted in a base color clay, a color close to
the natural fur, feathers, or scales color to reduce painting.
..........painting for these creatures is usually a light drybrushing,
followed by washes and glazes.
long lesson on texturing and coloring the fur of her sculpted
lifelike mouse (bottom of page, under Finishing)
..she first
uses titanium white acrylic paint on a dry brush
over the whole mouse
...... then uses raw sienna/burnt umber-colored
clays with a bit of water to create a staining
wash the consistency of cream to go lightly over the whole mouse a couple
of times, letting dry between
...... then she highlights with
dry brush (white on certain areas, or pink wash of raw sienna, cadmium red, and
white for nose/mouth/ears):,,HGTV_3768_1389670,00.html
tips for common painting techniques
--drybrush, washes, detail ...Polychrome
Finishing Tech's- by Katherine Dewey
When I screw up, I use a Q-tip wet w/ hair spray to remove both Future Floor Wax and acrylic paint (on baked/cooled clay).
to make shiny
enamel-looking paint, acrylic paints
can be mixed with Varathane or Future (..little or a lot)
....... mix
water-based polyurethane (Varathane) half and half with acrylic
paints ("Frames
with Flair" by Suzanne McNeill)
........for a dimensional look that can be applied with squeeze
bottles for raised designs, mix 6 tsp. baking
soda to 3-1/2 to 4 tsp of the paint. MJ
get a "glazed pottery" look like Fiestaware style.. mix
acrylics with Future, then paint with it. carlie
a few drops of Future into the paint on your palette will make it
adhere better to baked clay too. Kathy R
paints. . . surfaces painted with these colors look different colors
depending on the angle at which they are viewed
and the angle of the light striking the surface. These paints contain tiny flakes
of mica, coated with titanium dioxide, which enable the paint to refract
its complementary color
.....they can be used alone,
or mixed with non-interference acrylic paints, or layered translucently
over an already painted area. Judy (see interference powders
in Powders)
(from a message re terra cotta) . . . Patio Paints (check out michaels)... acrylic?.... are supposedly designed to be outdoors, if that is your concern.
I suggest you try water mixable oils instead, such as Artisan by Winsor Newton because they work so well.. Katherine Dewey (see details below)
To create a durable, soft, and washable fabric paint for fabrics from regular acrylic craft paints, mix them with Textile Medium (it's in the same rack as the acrylic paints). Sheila in NC
other uses & misc.
Dewey's many tips re painting on clay
drybrushing, etc.
Judi Maddigan's polymer clay painting tips for faces (also glazes,
gen. info, etc.)
very complete lesson on making & coloring a troll (or other)
face & head with acrylic paints
figures are completely covered (arm/legs skin,etc) with opaque acrylic
paints (+gloss med.?)... somewhat flat appearance of colors
's lesson on making faux abalone, using black (acrylic)
paint on each mini-stack of layers, indented with fingers, re-cubed, then
cut (or cut with wavy blade)
(see more in Faux-Many)
...for lighter
mother-of-pearl, but don't use black paint and don't mix black into the pearl
or silver clay.
(see below in Misc., for achieving a crackle finish from stretching metallic acrylic after drying)
acrylic paints (or colored white glues, or possibly liquid clays) can be combed,
swirled or otherwise created in interesting patterns (then allowed
to dry) for interesting and possibly textured sheets of pattern
on a slick surface (glass, freezer paper, silicone sheet, etc).... then
attached to other surfaces, including clay
......or the paints could be swirled
directly on a permanent surface like clay
Ewy's ("faux
vinyl") lesson on pressing
4-7 colors of acrylic paints (thinned to cream consistency) between
2 sheets of freezer paper (coated sides in) after .. she places second
sheet on the painted first sheet, pressing paint outward toward edges before removing
top sheet and allowing to dry... she uses to cover boxes (with spray adhesive),,hgtv_3289_1376364,00.html
.......she zigzagged the colors (trying not to overlap
them) onto the shiny side of freezer paper, then put *another* sheet
of freezer paper, shiny side down, onto the paints; then she pressed
the paint between the sheets (almost) out to all edges and corners with her finger
which also caused the paint to cover the interior completely (and avoids bubbles).
.......when she pulled the papers apart, there was a sort-of wavy
pattern created
........let dry about 12 hrs. and remove
the "vinyl" sheets.
........later, use spray adhesive (or other dry
adhesive?) to adhere to boxes, put on cards, etc. (the photos only
show one or two variations)
....... I noticed was the "good sides" of each
vinyl sheet were not shiny, and had to be varnished to make them
shiny too...or the back sides could be used (they were nice but didn't have that
neat secondary pattern)
....the pattern could be varied by how a finger
is dragged, or maybe if other manipulations (like combing) were
done first. would be neat to do the same with liquid clays.
Since they have to be baked, I don't think freezer paper would work (don't know
what the coating is comprised of) but 2 pieces of metal or glass
might work ...or maybe aluminum foil would be better since it could be
*peeled* off as she did (that sort of "pulled" the pattern into a slightly different
..........(.I put a few lines and drops
of colored liquid clay directly on a sheet of clay
, then I sandwiched it between another sheet (of clay?), smooshed
and separated. It came out pretty good. Alicia)
neat pattern would be to make "Rorschach" prints ("ink blots")
with the liquid clays or with regular paints. I had a great time
one day *for hours* just using tube watercolors on squares of plain paper, folding,
and opening to reveal the symmetrical pattern . . . I was totally mesmerized and
had a hard time stopping <g>
... As for using the "vinyl" later
with clay, one thing would be to glue shapes or cut-outs of the
patterns onto regular clay, maybe with a molded shape on top. Or if using liquid
clay, I guess I'd try wrapping it around boxes, pens, etc., the
same way she did, or using on cards, etc. Would make a great looking postcard,
though it would need to be backed with cardstock or clay. There's probably
lots more though... Diane B.
....(I've even done something similar with acrylic
paints squirted in shapes on aluminum foil, then removed and added
to a t-shirt (with more acrylic paint), etc., but hadn't thought
to use a second sheet like she did.
...(see Kathy R's similar
technique for making a texture plate
with 3-D or smooth texture paint on folded cardstock by allowing the paint
to sit a while to thicken up, in Textures
> Making your own)
...also see Misc
> Marbling for more ways to use various paints (on starch, etc), to
create marbled, dragged, patterns
similar lesson using tacky white glue (1/2 c) mixed with acrylic paint (1 tsp) to create sheets of pattern
for a dimensional paint that can be applied with squeeze bottles for raised designs, mix 6 tsp. baking soda to 3-1/2 to 4 tsp acrylic paint. MJ
paint, from Pébéo... some kind of acrylic paint which can be ironed onto clothing-fabric
(temporarily) with slik setting after drying 24 hrs. ...dries to a soft
film ...may be peeled off and used on other fabric
to info at trade shows, both (thoroughly cured) polymer clay
and acrylic craft paints are safe for use in scrapbooking...regular
acrylic paints will buckle paper, though..... (in
order to attach the polymer piece to the page though, you must use an acid
free glue --best I've found is Glue
Dots or Red line Tacky Tape). Laurie D'
(... for which inks
are acid-free, see Letters & Inks)
for ideas on scrapbooking, see Cards
> Greeting Cards & Scrapbooking)
or highlighting dimensional textures or impressions created with stamps,
texture sheets, or molds
(see much more
about antiquing and highlighting in Molds
> Highlighting, etc. and in Powders)
...Maureen C antiques and/or colors the upraised segments
with acrylic paints (thinned for soft effect?)
...(or could use inks,
fluid chalks, or various inclusions in clear mediums see below in making your
own metallic paints, etc.)
(may be gone?)
.. textured sheets which have
been antiqiued or highlighted with various paints can also be flattened
and still retain the pattern in the flat sheet
more on that technique in Texture
> Flattening Antiqued and/or Highlighted texture sheets)
gel medium ... comes in versions from very soft
to very stiff, to some with fibers or sand in it. ....made
by both Golden and Liquitex tints up beautifully
with just about any paint or paint pigment you want to
put in it. looks white, and when you add tint it will look very
pale. However, the stuff winds up drying clear, so your
original colors show through.
...comes in glossy, semi-gloss, and
flat ...takes about 24 hours to cure completely (lets you work with it longer).
(It was originally set up FOR paper or canvas, and definitely works on polyclay
--I used it to make my dragon scales originally).
a bottle of "extender" (any brand) which makes the paint more translucent
and also increases it's "open" time, which means
that the paint stays workable for a longer time.
.... If you brush it on and
let it sit after you get it where you want it, the brush marks will "flow
out" of the surface.
..."Student" grade would cost a lot less, but, the colors
are less saturated and contain more "filler" than the artist grade. Those can
be mixed with the extender, as well, to take out the brush texture. Elizabeth
I would try if you want to use a spray... is go to walmart or
a hobbyshop and pick up a small Testors airbrush .... the kind that uses
a can of compressed air that is usually in the same area of the shelves...
then you can mix your own spraypaint using only safe for polymer acrylics and
water... you can then reuse the cheap airbrush anytime you want to paint something
like that again … Tommie
....or buy an artist’s manual sprayer …Sue
..Pearlescent ..Iridescent + Glitter
acrylic paints (regular bodied)
( for pearlescent inks, see Letters-Inks)
metallic acrylic paints is so much simpler than using metallic
powders... wish I'd discovered
them years ago!
.... The great thing is that metallic acrylic paints can be
used the same ways as metallic powders can -- that is,
painted onto unbaked or baked clay, then baked -- with no
problems whatsoever..
....the advantages are that the colors are REALLY
nice... the paints are inexpensive
.... you don't have to mess with the flying dust particles of powders
have to glaze after using a
powder because it could rub off. ...using the paints is so much
simpler (if applied well, powders don't need sealing tho).
pearlescent, interference, and metallic acrylics
combine conventional pigments with powdered mica (aluminum silicate),
...colors have shimmering or reflective
characteristics, depending on the coarseness or fineness of the powder
paints are "made from titanium coated mica flakes with an outer layer of
a transparent, light-absorbing colorant rather than traditional pigments"?
metallic paint lines offer only "metal"
colors like gold,copper,silver (including the thicker "metallic"
tube acrylic paints)
.........some lines may also
offer interference metallic "colors" though (Golden)
do offer metallic colors in red, blue, green, etc., though
........ Lascaux pearlescents, "artist quality"(many)
BRANDS of acrylic metallics
I prefer Liquitex and Golden for
their metallic-type paints, as I haven't had as much luck with Creamcoat
.......Liquitex acrylic paint's interference or
iridescent colors are nice...
...Heather uses
Plaid and DecoArt brand metallics (see her
lesson just below)
I used is called Accent- Jewelry Colour (acrylic "craft"
paints). ....they are water based and go on quite nicely
when applied to unbaked clay... baked as normal.
have squeeze bottles of metallic acrylic paint (Folk Art
metallics by Plaid), and had forgotten about them!!...
haven't tried them yet though
.........the bottle mentions "heavy
pigmentation for maximum coverage" and "longer open time"...shake
well... for regular use, let dry 1 hr. also says
transparent or watercolor effects can
be achieved by mixing these with (Folk Art) Extender ...on brush.
Diane B.
...I have some old Tulip
Colorpoint metallic paints (for applying dots of color in patterns
on t-shirts, etc.) ...wonder if they would work in the same way
bought Plaid's Folk Art Metallic Acrylic Paints from
Michaels and absolutely love them... they are a much cheaper than some
of the other paints used for dichroic, and personally I would say they are just
as good ($2 for a 2 ounce bottle, and sometimes on sale)....they also come in
dozens of metallic, shimmery, colors and shades ...the colors, texture,
application and end results seems to be exactly the same as some of the other
paints used for dichroic
... I use them for crackling but also painting
(see more below in Crackling)
....I've put it on before curing
as well as after
....and I've dipped the painted pieces in Varathane,
or UTEE. Shannon
....I got some at Ace Hardware, and they're just regular
old craft paints, they were in the home painting section and used to do stencils
they're not pearly enough the way they are you can also just add (more)
mica powder. Nancy
Metallic mica powders can be mixed into an adhesive medium ... (some examples would be glues, sealers, liquid clays, paints, Diluent, etc.).
I love to "tip" (highlight) my clay rose earrings in gold or silver to give a extra elegant look.
(you can also make your own metallic, pearlescent or glitter acrylic paints... see below in "Making Your Own Metallics")
If acrylic paint is baked on clay, it's impossible to scrape it off afterwards no matter how hard I try.
P's lesson on using metallic acrylic paints (like Plaid
and DecoArt brands) with stamping
(..or texturing)
.... she applies paint to stamp with a cosmetic
sponge .... stamps scrap clay ... then uses sponge to apply a diff.
color(s) of metallic paint to the upper areas (highlighting) ... lets
( this case, she also trims clay to desired shape...then adds simple
cane slices to the edges of the clay... trims them to only a small
frame ... bakes... coats with Future--necessary?)
A's paints all parts of her mini shoes
w/ gesso first, then with several layers of pearlescent inks
(and fancy nail polishes), but could have used metallic acrylic
paints instead
R's illuminare beads ...suface of the "base" clay (possibly marbled clays)
has been colored randomly with pearlescent inks or paints (possibly
thin-bodied ones like Daler-Rowney's Pearlescent Liquid Acrylic Colours, or heat
set Lumieres) or mica powders or could have been something similar using
a carrier of translucent clay or liquid clay, etc.
... onlays of various
types are then added and rolled down into the surface (cane slices, curving ribbons
of watercolor sheets, etc.)
Mary V's dragon painted with
multi-colors of metallic paint
...(see more links
(Lumiere paints
just below are also metallic acrylic paints, but they are thin-bodied
and are especially strong colors
...can use both metallic paints in
many of the same ways)
acrylic paints
Liquigems Acrylic Glitter Paint
in green, blue, red, "opal" pink, plus gold and silver
(colors could be mixed to create more colors?)
concentration of mica flakes (in transparent medium?)
.... I found a new, to me at least,
product to play with - Crayola Glitter F/X paint (a fine, multicolor
glitter in clear medium). . .. it's an interior latex paint,
milky white in color when applied. It dries clear, but shows
fine multicolor glitter when light shines on it.
try it, I grabbed a pen I had covered with red, white and blue clay and sealed
with Future.... I dipped the pen in the can and just let the
paint drip off....when dried, there was no masking of the underlying
clay colors, but a fine reflection from the glitter... looks like a sky
full of fireworks... had a slightly rough texture,
but accepted another coat of Future with no problem.... Now I'm thinking fairy
wings... Carol Beebe?
..... I used a blob
of Tulip fabric paint with glitter in it to hold the feathers
on the clay, and it stays on quite well. I had it left over from fabric painting
days...In fact, I tested, and it requires real effort to scratch and peel it off,
tho it can be done. .... I just squeezed the tube.... No scratching.
it probably would also work for cloisonne ....I only had gold and silver,
so I never messed with it much! Sarajane
..........would also work for painting
on clay?
...for the glittery areas (instead of using nail polish after
baking), she could have mixed (Jones Tones or Art Institute) glitters
into either gloss Flecto or into Future,
then used that as paint for certain areas. Patty B. (see more in Finishes)
acrylics... Lumiere & Neopaque & Luna Lights
Neopaque ...thin-bodied (non-metallic)
acrylic paints, by Jacquard
....very opaque... designed to cover dark
backgrounds with light application
... bright even on dark
surfaces..... like Lumiere (see below), but not metallic
....on light backgrounds,
their color is less intense
thin-bodied metallic (or pearlescent or iridescent)
acrylic paints, by Jacquard
...may "dry,"
but they won't actually
be permanent
(defined only as washable?)
until cured
(...can be important for some projects using Lumieres,
less important for others):
...slightly metallic-pearly... very intense
...available in Hi-Lite, Pearlescent, and Metallic
Lumiere brand paints
. . ...intended for fabric (leave
fabric soft and supple)...must be cured to withstand washing.
...I just discovered those paints thanks to Leigh while we were at Shrinemont.
The ones I've bought are beautiful pearl colors and are great for use on Polymer
Clay. I've been buying mine from Wilma at the
experimented with every brand of fabric paint there is, and these are the best
I’ve found – definitely not the typical fabric paints you find in craft stores!
...they apply evenly to almost any surface, including paper, canvas, basketry
and wood – yet they leave even silk soft and supple..
colors are brighter, more heavily pigmented ...because they are
particularly reflective, you may wish to tone them down with
white, silver, a darker color, or a matte color, according to your taste...I
would rather be able to tone down a vibrant color than be stuck with a dull one
that nothing can brighten! The only bone I can pick with Lumiere is that they
don’t yet make a metallic black, dark brown, Christmas red, or yellow.
so glad I got some Sunset Gold Lumiere. It's a rich gold as opposed
to their yellow-y plain gold. In fact I like it so
much, I used tiny amounts of it over their Silver to warm the Silver slightly
and give it a little more character. Linelle
...mix Lumieres
with regular matte acrylic colors for an even more extensive range
of metallics...add the Hi-Lite colors for subtle, reflective, opalescent
effects... and the Super Sparkle for extra glitter.
Lumieres are gorgeous, and yes, they're just as brilliant after
they've been cured.
You can apply
them to raw clay, wait for it to dry to the touch before you further
manipulate it into the shape that you want, then cure.
you can cure your piece and paint on it with the Lumieres with one-coat
coverage (no need to cure if not needing to be washable, etc.?).
...if I put
Lumieres on top of metallic leaf (on clay) that I didn't let dry
enough ( felt dry to the touch but it wasn't completely dry), the pasta
machine scrapers just scraped the whole thing into a mess. ... so now
let it dry a couple of hours to be safe. Linelle
I usually wipe
a cured piece with alcohol before I apply Varathane,
so I'd do the same with a cured piece before I painted on it with Lumiere Acrylics...
it seems to remove surface residue so that the finish can grip the surface more
directly. Have a great time with these.. they are truly fantastic paints for use
with the clay. Elizabeth
can also use for highlighting or antiquing as with using other paints
lesson on impressing clay with a stamp, applying Lumieres to the
upraised areas (let dry thoroughly), then flattening with a hand
roller is somewhat less distinct, but still present ....sort of like
texture sheet mokume gane or one ghost image mica technique (these are made into
solid lentil shapes, and have top loops and cording added)
more on this technique using paints and other
colorants in Texture > Flattening Antiqued
and/or Highlighted texture sheets)
Consuelo painted on a sheet
of black clay with silver Lumiere paints (reminiscent of black and silver
"scratch art")
I have a project in Oct 2005 Bead and Button on making painted polymer clay beads.
for crackling Lumieres, I'd recommend that you dilute
them about 1/2 and 1/2 with water before you apply them to the raw clay
sheet, and then apply thinly --this will eliminate a lot of the body of
the paint so that it can crackle or thin itself across the surface of the clay
as you manipulate it instead of stretching
so much (there is so much mica in the Lumieres that diluting them does
not seem to remove any of their sparkle)
... and when applied to a white
base, I don't believe the colors will even appear to fade down with dilution....they
will lose their opacity though ...applied to black base clay,
they will not appear as intense as the full-bodied paint. Elizabeth
can use it to paint on layers of clay for a different type of mokume gane
effect (from Tory Hughes) . Jill
....(for using inks rather than paints
in the same way, see Letters-Inks
and Mokume Gane)
also dilute the Lumieres when I'm using them for mokume gane
thickly applied, and the dried Lumiere paints are the devil to cut
through neatly from the top of a mokume gane stack. Elizabeth
more on Lumiere paints in Mokume Gane
> Paints)
.....To cut the clay when it's coated
with dried Lumiere paint, saw back and forth with a very slight
downward pressure, using a very sharp blade. Don't push
down. DottyinCA
As for scraps of clay with paint on them,
unfortunately the paint won't mix into the clay so it can be reused
you can often pull or scrape off the paint. DottyinCA
polymerclayexpress' lesson on applying (metallic) Lumiere paints to Buna cording (layered and spongy appearance, or solid)
how can I minimze paint strokes with Lumieres?
a nice sable brush dipped in water (a tip I learned from Lisa Pavelka
in using her PolyGlaze). Trina (so true for all water-based mediums?)
The Lumieres are very metallic and so they compliment the mica, magic leaf and wire that I tend to use in my work. Dianne C.
There are dozens of techniques that you can use with Lumiere paints
sponging, stenciling well as hand-painting,
airbrushing, screen-printing
(check out Sherrill Kahn's
books "Creating with Paint" and "Creating Stamping with Mixed Media Techniques"
for some beautiful techniques that will also work on polymer clay)
made some chysanthemum canes with Lumiere paints. The ones
which I made up right away turned out fine.
....but the canes which I let
sit unitl I got to them---over a month later
did not reduce well ....
in fact the translucent layers could be separated out in sheets.
The more that I worked at reducing, the more the layers separated from the paints....
Don't know if this was due to the translucent clay or if the Lumiere paints prevented
the clay from reducing. Jeanne
sites for Lumiere:
wonderful, wonderful place to deal with
On this site you need to scroll down to the bottom
of the page to find the info: Dotty
Lights ....are quite thin and more like an ink
(in fact, have been marketed as Luna Lights Inks..DB), but dry like paint. extremely well with the clay. Dotty
......basically a "thin
acrylic paint" probably (metallics and non-metallic colors)...flexible,
water based paint.... on metal, plastic, ceramics, etc..
.....I've noticed
that Luna Lights are exactly like metallic airbrush acrylics --same viscosity,
similar coverage, etc Margaret D.
...Carol's or Tracy's Art Angel Pins...cutout
shapes of polymer, stamped, finger painted with Luna Lights, then
dusted with copper pearl ex.
(can enlarge by hovering over bottom right corner, then clicking)
lesson on Luna Lights on black clay beads with widely crackled gold
leaf and diff. color paints here and there.. dry...bake..gloss glaze....a
little dichroic
..lots of good analysis and tips re Luna Lights from Tyra
will crackle fracture just a little bit on raw clay (not enough
for doing any of the techniques which need clear fracturing however --see below
in Stretching for more on using them this way) . . . coated and fired on black
clay and then covered with ...glaze, they are beautiful!! When fractured just
the little that they capable of, then glazed, they look a lot like dichroic
glass. Dotty
...Tyra mentions that one of the main things the makers suggest
using these for is making Rorschach-type ink blots (on paper) to be used
as backgrounds or cutouts... she feels the special paper they use for this is
basically just freezer paper (the glossy coating keeps the open time longer)
... but could do this with a clay sheet?? as well?
.......with the freezer
paper I tried Lumiere Paints, Crayola Pearl Brites, Ordinary Metallic and Pearl
Acrylic Paints and The Pearlescent Inks by Daler and Rowney and they all worked!
...I also created backgrounds using both white and black glossy card stock and
they both worked reasonably well... I also had great success with acetate. Trish
(some effects)
Making Your Own Metallic Paints
using metallic powders
powder (like Pearl Ex) or real-metal powder (or other pigments)
can be mixed into a clear liquid medium to create a metallic"
paint" which can be applied in various ways.
......the resulting paint
mixture will take on the characteristics
of the medium it is mixed with (e.g.., gloss, flat,
frosted, or iridescent..., and can look dense and opaque or
lighter and more subtle depending on how much mica powder is used (or how
much the medium is thinned)
...many clear mediums can be used
like the "lighter-more-spread-out"
look when I mix just the smallest bit of metallic powder
into my Future
...then I bake the peice for 5 min
and see if I want more or not (depends on the final look I'm after, but I always
bake between coats of Future)
...I have a small container that I keep
just for my mixture. Connie
Rustoleum's Varathane can also be used as the carrier for metallic powders ...but it is a bit milky when wet, and could make seeing the "color" while it's being created a little more difficult?
lesson on mixing mica powders into gum arabic powder to make paints
mixes the metallic powder with the gum arabic powder (4 to 1)... then adds
drops of water, and mixes till liquid
...she then lets it sit
(and evporate) 1-2 days before using (or can use a "convection"
oven to concentrate it)
...apply with wet brush (she applies to paper),
often building up layers of color
I mixed Fimo's real-metal
powders, called pulvers, (or Authentic Metal Powders by Houston Arts) into
Future & into liquid clay
....... the Future
+pulver makes a smoother
line of "paint" & adheres well to baked clay
........the TLS
(liquid clay) +pulver "paint" gives a grainy
line (and must be rebaked to cure, of course).
.......12 real
metal powders in metal colors
(then click on Metallic Powders)
put a lot of metallic powder into liquid clay and I thin it some
with Diluent-ClaySoftener
..... if i touch my finger
into the liquid clay lightly and brush quickly across something (highlighting)
, it spreads the powder so it looks like you used the powder alone!!...
the difference here is that the powder is baked on with the liquid clay,
and sealing is unnecessary!! most cool, huh? Sunni
....You can see
a sample of liquid clay tinted with Pearlex pigments here, I used it to
make the tail of my merhorse, it looks almost like dichroic glass or a very
blueish crystal opal.
(gone) Laura
mica powders (or real metal powders) can be mixed liquid clay
to color with (i.e., antique silver for grey, or gold which turns
out yellowish)....can use as a paint ... I have been putting stripes on
my ornaments this way. mamadude
....... Mamadude used a rubber-tipped
painting "brush" tool to apply it ... or use whatever works...
...I use
Kato (liquid clay) and also TLS along with the Pearl-ex powders (and other
powdered pigments too), for making faux stained glass, for painting
on clay, and for many other uses as well. Jeanne
liquid clays bake up clearer than others (TLS is the least clear),
and that could affect the look of the mica powder paint depending on how thick
it's applied
Kellie's use of Pearl Ex colors as paint (using paintbrush ..which medium?)
she colored different sections of raw clay (which had been delineated by
impressing a bent wire shape into a sheet of base clay)
page on using Pearl-Ex into various clear mediums
(Products & Techniques
> Tips & Tech's)
(see more on using mica powders in clear mediums in Powders > Pearl Ex)
using acrylic paints
can mix your own pearlescent paint colors by using Pearl
white acrylic paint with non-metallic acrylic paints:
more colors by mixing in non-metallics in basic colors like a red,
a blue, and a yellow or gold), along with black
mediums can also be mixed with metallic acrylic paints:
with acrylic paints
into water-based polyurethane (Varathane) (half
and half --"Frames
with Flair" by Suzanne McNeill)
.......for a dimensional look that can be applied with squeeze
bottles for raised designs, mix 6 tsp. baking soda
to 3-1/2 to 4 tsp of the paint. MJ
mix them into Future ......mixing a few drops of Future
into the acrylic paint on your palette will make it adhere better to
baked clay too. Kathy R
mix metallic acrylic paints into liquid clays for painting
I think Golden brand acrylic paints (in tubes) are just awesome
to tint liquid clays .....the colors I found that I love so much are all iridescent
copper, gold and silver! ...they are are SOOO rich!
........ I just finished
the inside of a rock purse with the copper, and think I'll use it as a
base on the outside as well. Jan
if using Lumiere paints (see above?) ...add the Hi-Lite colors for subtle, reflective, opalescent effects... and the Super Sparkle for extra glitter.
for more info on making polymer paints, see below in Paintings, and also in Finishes,
i store these new "paints" in little 1/2 oz serum bottles. sunni
for glittery areas ---instead of using nail polish after baking, she could have mixed (Jones Tones or Art Institute) glitters into either gloss Varathane or into Future, then used that as paint for certain areas. Patty B. (see more in Finishes)
CeramDecor's Perm Enamel (the "Clear" medium) can be used on
glass, tile, and ceramic
... (remember, just because something is named
"enamel" doesn't mean it can't also be acrylic... this is acrylic?)
...I often mixed small amounts of Pearl Ex into Perm Enamel
Clear to tint it for painting in select areas:
...Clear alone does give a really nice thick shine and it takes long enough
to dry that it levels nicely and brush strokes diappear... I found though that
it really works best only on flat pieces, not anything 3-d or sculptural.
... I re-baked for 20 min. at regular clay temp to cure and harden
the finish, as it will peel off if you don't (though don't re-bake for at least
12 hours until it is completely dry or it will bubble... it may
feel dry to the touch after an hour, but still be a little moist or sticky down
under the "skin") Patti K.
...the top photo shows feathers and dots drawn
or impressed into beads... then depressed-area shapes were painted
... the wild rose jars (near bottom) use the same method ...but the (non
metallic?) purple color areas are painted over the
gold acrylic paint in order to achieve the faux enamel effect.
Patti K.
Radiant Pearls . . . pearlized paints in jars with emollients
mixed into them similar to oil paints ...they are .translucent,
like watercolors.
...shading and blending techniques?... use with rubber-stamped
images or apply straight from the jar as a watercolor... embossable. Katie
Pearls don't dry on any type of
plastic (including polymer clay).
...Radiant Pearls need to be applied to porous surfaces (to uncoated
paper, fabric, unglazed tile) in order to dry. Last I heard, it
will never dry on clay, not even with heat-setting.
..........However, you can make beautiful pearlized accents by mixing powdered
mica colors into TLS, so if Radiant Pearls puts out a powder
form?, that would work just great. (You may have to thin the colored TLS
to make up for the increased viscosity from adding the powders.) Eliz.
stamped ornaments on Sculpey III for xmas presents and painted them with Radiant
Pearls (metallic paints which don't dry on plastic..). . . . After 3 weeks
they still weren't dry so I poured clear embossing powder over them and
threw them back in the oven for 15-20 min. Turned out like glass.
....I found out recently that they
won't dry when painted over acrylic paint
either. Katie
...I haven't used the Radiant
Pearls but I know the main difference between these and other paints is that they
don't mix together well.... In other words Blue and Yellow don't
make Green. So you get side by side color in whatever pattern you mix.??
....I tried painting RP on paper that I then placed on a sheet of clay
and followed with a layer of TLS and baked. The resulting piece looked
okay, but I came across it recently (about 2 years since making it) and
the color faded terribly. Ellen M.
Another option, by the same company, is Radiant Pearls' line of pigment powders and solutions called Primary Elements. They have about 25 colors of pigments in VERY rich colors, and accompanying solutions for fabric, paper, glass and, of course, polymer clay. You just mix a little solution and pigment and then paint it onto the clay.... You can cure the Primary Elements with the clay. ...more info about both product lines at: Margaret D. far
as I can tell, "Liquid Leaf" (Plaid,
Modern Options) is solvent based (and can be mixed
into raw clay, but is not the same as similar sounding acrylic products
like metallic liquid acrylic paints Liquid Gold, etc.??)
acrylics or sovent based??? . . Plaids' Liquid Leaf contains both
a primer and a film of gold.
Plaid's Liquid Leading create the look of
real leading lines with this waterbased, non-toxic formula.
...Can you use
these to blend right into the clay?. . . (using another liquid leaf
I) made some beads, baked them and whalaa...They're gorgeous! They really look
like you've added gold foil or similiar material.
Treasure Liquid
Leaf is a combination of red primer and metallic particles, which when applied,
closely resembles traditional gold leafing. Apply with a brush and protect when
dry with Treasure Sealer. Treasure Gold is effective for achieving metallic finishes
on a variety of surfaces and is applied with a soft cloth. It will dry almost
immediately and can be buffed to a fine lustre. Thin or remove using Turpentine
or White Spirit and seal with Treasure Sealer.
Twinkling H2O's . . . shimmery (mica?) watercolor cakes
embedded with mica powder to make them shimmer and glow.. .acid free ...dip
a wet paintbrush or "waterbrush" into the solid cake of color and begin
to paint ...on paper, canvas, rocks, eggshells, wood, etc. ...five 6-color packs....use
group TW-605 (the light "iridescents" containing no pigment)
to lighten the other colors without losing the shimmer
......These products look really cool, but they won't do the things
on clay I do with Pinata Inks. They are waterbased and need
water in the brush. They need to be used on a base
which will absorb water and "set" the pigment
into the surface, then the base (paper, canvas, wood) dries. This would not work
on clay as there is no absorbtion of water by clay. The alcohol ink deposits the
pigment particles on clay as it evaporates, "setting" the pigment that way. I
think it would take way too long for water to evaporate off the surface and you
couldn't layer colors... I've never found a way to use the radiant pearls effectively
with clay, either--even though the colors are scrumptious! Patti
for dark cardstock, or clay?...certain areas like those between embossed dark
stamped lines can be bleached out with a waterbrush, allowed to dry and
then painted over with these paints . . . any wet paintbrush will work,
but a waterbrush is much more convenient ...have special handles
that are actually receptacles for water. To add more water to your project, just
squeeze the handle. Or to clean the brush between colors, just squeeze until the
water flows through the brush, then gently wipe the brush on a paper towel. ..
?? Plasti-kote makes a spray paint called "Bumper Chrome" (is this acrylic??). The can says it gives a chrome-like finish. I have had great luck with this. My pieces have the smooth, mirrorlike finish and look Chrome, an effect one cannot get using regular metallic silver acrylics or paints. I purchased my Bumper Chrome, and many other finishes I use at the auto parts store. (has lasted 2 years on baked Super Sculpey with no problems). (nothing bad in the spray propellant though?)
....each "paint" contains has a pigment, a vehicle and
a medium.
....the medium in oil paint is either safflower,
linseed or some other oil, like walnut, for example (...the vehicle
would be turpentine or paint thinner)
...the medium in acrylic paints
is polymer (...the vehicle is water)
...pigments are
can mix your own paint with pure pigments using a vehicle and a medium of your
choice can purchase premixed mediums
that have different qualities to aid in the painting process
oils, mediums can be used to create transparency for glazing, impasto (thicken
paint), speed or slow drying time, etc. acrylics there are similar
types of mediums Bob Tavis (see below)
acrylic mediums:
...made from acrylic polymer emulsion ....the various types can be mixed together...dry
slowly by evaporation
...form durable films when dry which
are flexible and water/chemical/UV resistant
1. when added
to an acrylic paint, they alter various characteristics of it:
........handling characteristics (tackiness-tooth, on fabric can control
bleeding and allow smooth application, etc.)
(shiny, matte)
.......volume (viscosity or thickness, vs. runniness)
to create many different effects
2. when used alone, have excellent
adhesive qualities so can be used as glue (even decoupage)
gel medium
... comes in versions from very
soft to very stiff, to some with fibers or sand in
it. tints up beautifully with just about any paint
or paint pigment you want to put in it. looks white, and when
you add tint it will look very pale. However, the stuff winds
up drying clear, so your original colors show through.
in glossy, semi-gloss, and flat ...takes about 24 hours to cure
completely (lets you work with it longer).
(It was originally set up FOR
paper or canvas, and definitely works on polyclay --I used it to make my dragon
scales originally).
These are created by different manufacturers, such as Liquitex or Golden... usually available at craft stores (and art stores).
listing of the various types
of acrylic mediums(& their characteristics and what they're
often used for):
...Gel Medium ...used to extend acrylic paint, alone
as an adhesive (see Glues >
other glues), and as a clear finish
...Heavy Gel ... Matte Gel
...Gloss Medium... Matte Medium... Iridescent Tinting Medium
...Glazing Medium... Matte Varnish ...High Gloss Varnish ....Gloss
Varnish Flexible Surface
...Acrylic Slow-Dri Medium
Heavy Modeling Paste
(see more on acrylic mediums in Glues
> Acrylics, or bottom of page)
+ Heat-Set "oils" (Genesis) +
Water-Mixable "oils"
+ Oil pastels
true. OILS
(various brands ... "artist"
quality, "student" quality, etc.)
You can use (true) oil paints
on top of baked clay.... or in raw canes and clay,
liquid clays, raw canes & mokume gane ...because you bake
it later and that sets the paint more quickly
....these would eventually
dry on baked clay but it takes a long time, so it's best to rebake
to speed up the process.
...some people
like to bake the oil paint for 5 minutes
at 250 to set it more quickly (rather than waiting
for it to dry thoroughly) (...will also work with regular "painting"?)
(...for heat-set paints like Genesis, see below)
The oils in oil paint will not react with the baked clay if they are in a linseed
oil base, not
based . ..
......however, I just
prefer not to use them on my things as they take too
much time to dry
throughly. Jodi C.
you can bake 5 min at 250 to set paint )
...."enamel" paints are
suspect though (depending on what they really
....some paints (the heat-set "oils" which are really
acrylics) will not ever dry on polymer clay unless
they're baked.
... some do dry, but then turn
sticky after a year or more - be careful!
Sue (see linseed oil distinction just above?)
paints can be used to color solid clays, especially translucent
clay marblizes really well in the clay (how much depends
on how you mix it). Sharon
oil paint can also be mixed into liquid clays to color them
paint on baked..translucent
clay with oil paints and cotton swabs (gradient color)
--they blend fantastically...they don't dry out right away...
and you can get lovely sheen without using a buffer. Louise
paint on pc all the time, oil paints and acrylics. I simply use
gesso first.... (later a corresponding sealer). I have pieces that
are over 15 years old that still look 'new.'
(....see more info about preparing the surface
of baked clay for best results with paint above in "Preparation")
oil paints can be used as an antiquing in the crevices, and as light "glazes" on baked clay"
antiquing baked clay
Gibson used mostly oil paints for filling in the grooves of clay
created by her etching transfer process, but from what I can tell she did
usually rebake for 5-10 minutes (probably just to speed up the process of drying
....oils fall into the grooves much better than acrylics. can just squeeze on some oil paint, rub it gently into the engraving. Then
using a cardboard, or the chisel end of one of those clay shaper tools, remove
the excess paint from the surface. You want the paint to be only in the grooves...rebake
for about 10 minutes if using oil paint to set it.
...Gwen does use primarily
oil IS messier...harder to cleanup. ...Somebody
else said they had some "clay degradation" with oil paint.
Quite frankly, I spend enough time on my stuff to NOT want to lose I'm
sticking with acrylic paints. Jodie
(though "degradation" may be
a result of not curing the clay completely?)
. . .( liquid clays --with inclusions such as oil paints
or powders)
. . . .these can be stippled on with a brush, sponge, etc....
or they can be painted on to cover all or just certain areas, then rubbed
off to remain only in the crevices, etc.
...these can also be layered
over each other, or used with other surface manipulations like transfers,
stampings, sheets created in vairous ways, etc.
... I used oil
paints and I was extremely happy with the results - much more gentle than
acrylics. Louise
(for more on patinas created in various ways, see Fauxs-many > Aged & Ancient Effects)
to color several
areas of baked clay, put a tiny bit of one color
onto the baked piece in whatever area you want... rub it off leaving
just a hint of color
...a second application
of the first color can then be done to heighten the saturation.. . . . Then you
can use a different color in another area. Gives
a lovely, soft glow of color. Dotty in CA
can paint with oils over a sealing of acrylic paint too..
. . household vinyl emulsion paint has the same effect.... I suppose this
is worth it if you really hate acrylics... and don't mind waiting for oils to
dry (still takes several days to 6 months for complete
drying - look on the tube.).
...I like using compatible things though, I suppose,
to cover all eventualities for the long term. Just be cautious! Sue
paint on pc all the time, oil paints and acrylics. I simply use a gesso primer
first, then corresponding sealer. I have pieces that are over 15 years
old that still look 'new.'
Kato used oil paints in a mokume gane technique on Carol Duvall...she said
that the oil paints cure in the heat of the oven and there is not
a problem with degradation
(see faux abalone mokume gane above
in Acrylics)
... 5 min. at 250º will cure it... you
can use your oven, or embossing gun or the special gun or curing
boxes that are sized specially for canvases.
...soap and water, or 91% alcohol
... If you make a mistake, you can remove the paint from cured
polymer until you cure the paint."
paints (for tinting liquid clays, etc.).... Joann's, etc.
store has sampler sets of oil paints for $8 - 12 .... 6-12 small
tubes, but as Irene noted... they'll last just short of forever at the rate you
need them for tinting TLS. I'm sure that you can find these samplers at any art
supply and many craft supply stores that have fine arts sections. Wayyy less expensive
than the Genesis line, and every bit as effective. Elizabeth
...Also those
paint by number kits may be something to check out for small quantities
of oil paints. Netta
(...Even the Genesis paints come in a 6 color set.....about
$15. All colors can be made with these. Tricia?)
...("oil paint in a stick" ... refined linseed
oil blended with a quality pigment)
...they are just marvellou, sort of
like a compounded paint (in a crayon form) that is heat set. ....draw on
your pc and throw in the oven...the colours are really great, the chart on the
site doesn't do it justice.
...can use same techniques, mediums and surfaces as with tube
oil paints, including varnishes odors or fumes... 51 professional colors,
16 iridescent
oil PASTELS???
(see more on all "pastels" below in Pastels)
use Sennelier oil pastels (quite expensive) but CrayPas will work just
as well (not as fine a colorant but available everywhere, not just in art stores,
and are cheaper. They do the same thing as the oil paints i.e. coloring, but it's
impossible to use to much if you do it this way:
....(for surface coloring)..take
a clean, glossy tile and be sure the oil pastel isn't 'healed over' and rub around
in a circle to release a dime size or quarter size circle of color. Add tls (liquid
clay) to this and mix until you've got the shade you want (now, of course
if you're doing a mold, I guess this wouldn't work as well, you'd have to cut
off a wee bit and crush it up. . . . I do all of my faux finishing this way...vertigris
is several shades of teal green and a hint of copper...apply each with a dabbing
motion to cover piece until it looks right...ater baking you'll be amazed how
good the piece looks (this is great for that piece that 'just doesn't make it'
other words).. Carolyn
It really is according to what you are doing and the colors you want, as to what colorant will work the best for you. I have found that the artist's powdered pigments work the very best for tinting liquid clays. Although they are expensive, they really go a long ways. ...With both the oil pastels and the powdered pigments, it sometimes takes a little while to get them to dissolve really well. So I make up little pots of all the colors I use and have them ready.. Jeanne R.
(similar in use to Shiva Paintsticks above?).....I bought boxes of oil sticks which are used to mark metal for layout in welding and fabricating shops (can also buy them from stores which sell acetylene gas and other welding supplies) The sticks are about 4" long and about as big around as a nickel. They have a cardboard cover on them and like oil pastels will develop a "skin" that must be removed before using. These come in all the primary and secondary colors, plus white, black, silver and gold. Real cool stuff to use. Just another source for oil paints, and yes I have a set along with several different brands of artist quality oil pastels. Patty B.
Hi Dianne - I've
done a little bit of work with pastels and liquid clay. I use the
chalk form because I can scrape a smidge from the bar for the color I want. You
don't need much to made a deep rich color. I've mixed different colors of pastels
and blend them in TLS to get the desired color.
....You can also use pastels
on raw clay for blushing and it works well and stays in the clay after
baking. Since I make mostly sculptures, I haven't had an issue with them scraping
off. Hope that helps a bit. Sooz
SET paints (Genesis) ... sorta
like colored liquid polymer clay?
behave like
oils when used
Genesis paints
are called oil paints but are not truly oil paints
....... they're actually
a polymer based paint that won't harden until heated. Dotty
(a "thermoplastic")
....These behave like oil paints,
but they thin with water ....and clean up with
water and soap or 91% alcohol ....and
must be heat-set
...(??) From the
first time I read a description of these Genesis "heat-set oils", I thought, yeah,
right.....this is basically coloured liquid polymer clay, ie, that
is, some kind of LS-like stuff, with pigment added. I think calling it
"oils" is a marketing ploy. Cath
...You can even use it to clean
regular oil paint off your brushes. Not that you would. But you could.
Lisa T.
more just below on the characteristics of these paints)
+more info
(click on Paints & Accessories)
These paints are rather different than other types of paint.
.... they
do not dry at all , but must
be "cured"
the same way that polymer clay is cured (in an oven at 250-280 degrees,
or with a heat gun)
paints and paint left in a brush never dries (so they don't need to
be cleaned between sessions and mixed colors on a palette will "keep indefinitely)
Genesis representative) had one paint brush he'd begun using when he first
started doing presentations that he'd NEVER cleaned...
it was still wet.... unbelievable, really!
...can make any paint layer wet or dry as long or as short as you want.. impasto
& glazing are easy
...however pigments
look diff. than oils
These are marketed
by one company: Genesis Artist Colors.
....not actually oil paints...
but are ground in some sort of synthetic polymer that behaves rather
like oil.
....they don't dry by oxidation the way oil paints do....
must be heated which sets is permanently --so the paint stays wet forever.
drying, you can use a special heat gun (sold by the Genesis company) but can’t
use a hair dryer because it doesn’t get hot enough....or a special drying oven
(sold by the Genesis company). ...can use a regular oven, but may get paint on
...a disadvantage to heat set paints is that they are made by only one
company which won’t say exactly how they are made... they claim the paint is archival,
but you have to take their word for it. . .
have been working with them, and think they have a lot of possibilities.
are not pvc-based (?), but they seem quite compatible with the clay
.....they adhere nicely to the clay... and their tinting
strength is fantastic.
.....The only problem I've had so far is with
trying to sandwich the wet paint
beneath a layer of translucent clay and having
the translucent plaque..though
my translucent layer probably wasn't mushed down hard enough, and maybe it can't
be due to the viscosity of the paint. (I haven't tried all the Genesis mediums
yet, though.) Just another problem to solve. Bonnie in Houston
Summary of WAYS TO USE these paints with polymer clay:
paint or use washes of them on baked clay, using a brush,
or on a baked film of liquid clay... for pictures, sculpted faces,
patterns, whatever
.........(more on some of
that below under Polymer Paintings). an antiquing
paint, it works great... I often use the Burnt Umber on light colors; Cadmium
Red is great over impressed or carved black.
make and bake the item first... when cool, sand and buff it... rub the paint over
it, and rub off any excess.... rebake for 5-6 min's in at 250 degrees...then buff
the surface again (the Genesis
areas won't buff up (on their own), but the
rest of the piece will. Dotty (.. Katherine Dewey says it will buff if a bit
of liquid clay is added to it the Genesis)
......see also below
in Antiquing and Patinas)
......(see also
etched transfers using oil paints, in Transfers
> Etched)
...stencil them in a pattern over the surface
of the clay, then bake.
...sandwich them between layers of clay, and
then use one of the mokume gane techniques with them....after taking slices
off a mokume gane pad you can lay them onto a base bead, or a clay sheet and then
.....would work as well for spiral canes or
any other stacks or layered techniques?
it with (liquid clay) to color it.... then use as you would use
the liquid clay
texture of the paint is very buttery and a delight to use..
If you love oil paints, but hate to wait for them to dry, this is the stuff
for you!
.... for refined painting
on clay, say a portrait or some other rendered subject, they work
much better than Liquid Sculpey (...but
that's why I do the things I do with TLS... I like a more
abstract textural approach and TLS works very well for
DH cures his paintings (on masonite or illustration board) in my
convection oven.....the only serious drawback is that this
limits the size of the paintings. The Genesis people will construct a
drying box for you but it isn't cheap.
areas of) paint can also be set with a heat gun, but this is tedious
and we feel that the convection oven does a better job.
have a whole range of colors. and offer different sets, or you can buy them individually.
.....They do mix with liquid clay.. Jody Bishel
..Susan S's lesson
on painting faces of sculpts with the flesh-colored and other colors of
Genesis ... washes, etc.
for washes and stains, I prefer Genesis paints to acrylic paints as they leave no "edge", a real problem with acrylics.
I've even used them in an air brush. Katherine Dewey ....(for more on air brushes, see Finishes > Sprays)
Kato mixed titanium white Genesis paint with
some colored powders (I'm pretty sure this was the brand - D'UVA chromacoal
...then she used it in her mokume gane and it was a really
neat effect. Geo in MI
...Donna's lesson on using Genesis paints in
a mokume gane stack ... she put the Genesis colors here
and there on a sheet of translucent , then spreadit
around with fingers... added a sheet of metallic leaf on top ... final sheet cut
and stacked into a mokume loaf,,HGTV_3238_1383760,00.html
are a bit on the expensive side....You'll find, however, that quality
oil paint in the same pigment concentration is just as expensive. Bonnie in
. . .I have to say
that these are NOT expensive paints (for what you get)...
you get use out of every drop of paint in the bottle. You NEVER wash paint out
of your brush, you wipe it all out of the brush and use it later. (You know that
when you are working with most other paints, you will have a thin layer of paint
on your palet where you might have blotted your brush... that quickly dries and
is wasted. Because this stuff never dries, you can just swipe that right
up and use it.). Reagan
CURING: Genesis paints are
supposed to be cured ato 250- 280 degrees for "several minutes" can do that either in a regular/toaster oven, in
one of their drying ovens, or using the special heat gun they make just
for curing Genesis paints
... (their heat tool would cure the paint on
polymer clay with that amount of time, but only partially
cure the clay underneath
as you won't be heating the polymer clay for the full time required)...
(is this a problem?... or referring to using the
paint only on previously baked clay?)
Genesis paints cannot be buffed unless you add a touch of liquid clay to them. Katherine
bought the sampler kit which is in little plastic containers. When
you cut off the tops, you have to store it so it won't tip
over. Genevieve
"starter" kits
include a heat gun, some colors, some mediums, and a video.
.......they generally run $60 to $80 retail tho' you could probably find
a kit for much less though (I've seen one for about $40).
Margaret D.
...I also bought the sampler kit, and after opening a few of the
tubes, I simply stood them up in a small (kalamata olive) jar..
It has been several months, and the paints, which don't "flow" in the first place,
are still workable, and all I have to do is squeeze a small amount out of one
of the tubes to color my TLS or make my MG. They're fun! And easy to clean up!
Oils...(Artisan, Max, Duo Aqua,etc.)
water-mixable oils)
..I've applied them to both unbaked
and baked clay. ... and always mixed with water
can be used for antiquing and patinas as well (see below
in Antiquing)
Many people
...mistakenly refer to water miscible oil paint as “water
soluble” oil paint: that’s not technically correct, any more than there
is such a thing as water soluble olive oil. . . .
Water miscible "oil
paints"...are oil paints made with a form of linseed oil that
has been modified so that, when water is mixed in, it doesn’t separate.
is therefore possible to clean brushes in water rather than solvents, clean your
palette with water, and so on.
...It is also possible to thin the paint with
water, although manufacturers usually recommend against adding
a whole lot of water. When mixed with water, the paint forms an emulsion
(tiny droplets of water surrounded by oil), so the refraction index of the paint
changes. That means that there is a noticeable shift in value; dark colors become
a bit lighter. The paint returns to its normal value when the water evaporates
away, making it difficult to judge values when painting (acrylic paint—another
sort of emulsion—has the same problem).
...They take about as long to dry
(oxidize) as regular oil paints.
....Water miscible oil paint can
also be thinned with regular solvents, and manufacturers produce various
mediums. They can even be mixed with regular oil paints, although
no water should be added to such a mixture.
....Oil painters who try water
miscible oils often find them to be kind of “sticky.”
Because each formulation is different, it can be a bad idea to mix paints
from different brands.
BRANDS + "oil" ingredients
& Newton-- "Artisan Water Mixable Oil Color" (modified linseed and safflower
............ I've been using these paints on Premo
for a few years now because they work so well, and like them as much as Genesis
heat-set paint). Katherine Dewey
--"Max Artists' Oil Colors" (produced using alkali-refined linseed oil
or sunflower oils.)
...HK Holbein -- "Duo Aqua Oil" (activator
which alters the structure of the linseed oil).
...Royal Talens "Van
Gogh H2Oil" (produced using a quick-drying, odorless vegetable oil).
.........(esp. for "hobbyists"), Royal Talens and Holbein
have decided not to produce paints using such traditional coloring substances
as cadmium and other heavy metals which
are more toxic.
mixable oils feel like regular oil paints, but can be thinned and
cleaned with water (but too much water
will cause them not to stick well and lose their integrity) no unhealthy
solvents are necessary
...can mix regular oils into these in small
amounts (and retain its water friendliness), but mixing in a large amount
will require (caustic) solvents
...can also use
or thin any oil "medium" rather than water ...
...can be mixed
with other media, such as watercolor, gouache, or acrylic paints....also
waterbased metallic, pearl, and interference colors (though not
too much?)
...can use with any brush ... on any surface
or rebaking helps to dry and set the paints, though
I like to let them dry as much as possible before baking.
I use
these on flesh clays to add that spark of life... I let them dry,
then gently brush the surface with Diluent (which helps to remove brush
marks before baking) . Katherine Dewey
more info and opinions
on differences between brands (for regular painting)
...some of the oils (even
colors within brands) are sticky, some thick, some thin, etc.. ...every brand
has a different color range and differing amounts of pigment of the
benefits is the set up time... you can usually paint over them easily in
a day or two.... but wait 6 mo-1 yr for full curing (before you varnish). Diane
I've noticed I have to use a much lighter touch using bristles than I did with
regular oils. Pat
more on types of oil paint, and their differences from acrylics
There are generally three parts to
a paint solid part, and two liquid parts. Combined, the two
liquid parts make up the medium or vehicle. The solid part is mostly pigments,
which are particles that provide color and also help make the paint opaque. The
binder (usually a natural or synthetic resin) is that part of the vehicle which
eventually solidifies to achieve the dried paint film. The solvent or diluent
(often an organic solvent, or water) is that part of the vehicle that is volatile
and does not become part of the paint film. The major function of the solvent
is to thin the paint to make it easy to apply.
After application, the liquid
paint solidifies, leaving the binder and pigment as a colored coating. Depending
on the type of binder, this hardening may be a result of processes such as curing
(in oil paint, this takes the form of oxidation of linseed oil to form linoxin),
evaporation (most water-based paints are emulsions of solid binders in water;
when the diluent evaporates, the molecules of the binder coalesce to form a solid
film), cooling (encaustic, or wax, paints are liquid when warm, and harden upon
cooling), etc. ....Since the time of the Renaissance, siccative (drying) oil paints,
primarily linseed oil, have been the most commonly used kind of paints in fine
art applications; oil paint is still common today.
...However, in the 20th
centry, water-based paints, including watercolors and acrylic paints, became very
popular with the development of latex and acrylic pigment suspensions. Milk paints
(also called casein), where the medium is derived from milk, were popular in the
19th century and are still available today. Egg tempera (where the medium is egg
yolk) is still in use as well, as are encaustic wax-based paints. Gouache (pronounced
'gwash' and is a sort of opaque watercolor) was also used in the Middle Ages and
Renaissance for manuscript illumination. The pigment was often made from ground
semiprecious stones such as lapis lazuli and the binder made from either gum arabic
or egg white. Guache is also commercially available today.
paint is a fast-drying paint containing pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer
resin. Acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but become water-resistant when
dry. Depending on how much the paint is diluted (with water), the finished acrylic
painting can resemble a watercolor or an oil painting. Acrylics are sometimes
used in place of watercolors because acrylics dry closer to the desired color
(slightly darker, usually), while watercolors dry lighter (and often unpredictably,
especially for beginning artists). Acrylics can also be used as an alternative
to oil paint because acrylics dry much faster than oil paints.
..... Acrylic
paints can achieve an oil-paint-like effect, and do so in much less time. Applied
to look like oil paints, acrylics are somewhat limited due to the superior color
range of oil paints, and the fact that acrylic paints dry to a shiny, smooth (some
say 'cartoonish') effect--not surprising since acrylic paints are, basically,
...(after drying?)... acrylic paint can be removed
with turpentine, mineral spirits (also known as white spirits), ammonia, and rubbing
is a generic term for fluids that are not miscible with water. The name comes
from Latin "oleum" for olive oil.
Oil paints, which consist
of pigment suspended in an oil (usually linseed, or other natural oil) base, can
take a very long time to dry.
Linseed oil is an oil derived from the
flax plant... the linoleic acid in linseed oil is also used as a dietary supplement
Petroleum (from Latin petrus–rock
and oleum–oil) or mineral oil is a thick, dark brown or greenish
flammable liquid, which, at certain points, exists in the upper strata of Earth's
crust. It consists of a complex mixture of various hydrocarbons, largely of the
methane series, but may vary much in appearance, composition, and properties.
It can be shortened to the prefix petro-, as in "petrodiesel". . . . After
a drilling and pumping process to extract it from the strata, petroleum is refined
by distillation...the products include kerosene, benzene, gasoline, paraffin
wax, asphalt, etc.
A so called "enamel
paint" is any paint that dries to an especially hard, usually glossy, finish.
This is a commonly used, yet fanciful term, implying that an ordinary latex or
oil-based paint has the same properties as true, fired vitreous enamel.
Some enamel paints have been made by adding varnish to oil-based paint.
.....I've always understood the term 'enamel' as referring more to the
look of the dried finish rather than the solvent or carrier for the pigments
in the many and varied kinds of paint we have available now. Specifically, to
me, enamel has always meant a hard, very glossy shine to the dried finish.
...and because it resembled actual glass-based enamelwork. They
were originally based on mastics or resins which carried the pigments and oil
fractions to keep them liquid until used. Alan?
...These days, the ("enamel"?) paints are
likely to be based on plastics though which harden either by evaporation
of solvents or by a physical change when they're exposed to air - more than likely
it's a combination of the two effects....Since the ("enamel"?) paint
is plastic based, there's
a likelihood that it contains some plasticiser or
at least some 'mobilising' agent which allows it to expand and contract after
it 'dries' when exposed to heat or cold for example.... It's quite likely that
clay plasticisers which remain
present after baking could adversely affect the paints
sooner or later if they were in contact with them. I don't think
the degree of interraction could be predicted - as you suggest, it could be days,
weeks months or even years before any plasticiser or other constituent incompatability
problems showed themselves.. Alan
and shellac provide a protective coating
without changing the color. They are essentially paint without pigment.
Unlike paint, which is opaque, varnish and shellac are clear or translucent.
Lacquer is usually a fast-drying, solvent-based paint or varnish
that produces an especially hard, durable finish.
solvent ...A liquid,
usually volatile, which is used to dissolve the binder in a coating, and which
reduces the viscosity of the coating, See diluent. (some definitions)
Latex:- A dispersion
of a solid in a liquid. Often used as a synonym for a dispersion binder. a dispersion
of a polymer in an essentially aqueous medium. See emulsion.
The phase in which the pigment is dispersed; the vehicle; often a solution of
binder, solvent and dispersion additives. Methylated Spirit:- A commercial
version of Ethyl Alcohol which has been made non-potable by the addition
of adultarants. The original adultarant was methyl alcohol along with substances
to give it a bitter taste and a repellant odour....
Pigment:- A powdered
insoluble solid which provides optical properties such as colour, reflectance,
Plastisol:- A dispersion of fine polymer particles (usually
PVC with plasticiser) in a non-volatile organic diluent. The polymer does not
dissolve at ambient temperatures but upon heating the polymer dissolves and forms
a solution which results in thermoplastic film/moulding upon cooling.
A coating applied to a surface to improve the adhesion of the subsequent coats.
A thin varnish used as a first coat in metal decorating (i.e., when printing tinplate
sheets prior to forming into cans). In the decorative trade used on surfaces before
applying wallpaper. Also applied to coatings for textiles which stiffen them.See
also primer, sealer, filler, bonding liquid, undercoat
A material which is softened by heat and hardens on cooling. the process of softening
and hardening can be repeated
Thermoset:- A material which permanently
hardens (polymerises) when heated, but is not softened by heat.
WATER-SOLUBLES (permanently soluble) --watercolors + tempera
gouache and true watercolour paints are prone
to bleeding
on polymer clay
. . . .they dry fine, but after a year
or two, especially on translucent clays or flesh clays, they
begin to bleed.
.... I have a mini tea set, about 5 years old that was made
with Fimo translucent... the red flowers have sort of flowed through the clay…even
under the varnish topcoat…they only go on after careful de-greasing
(gouache is best but they are even more unstable than acrylic). Sue
have you tried watercolors ...and also watercolor pencils?
thin layer of translucent clay (#7 on the pasta machine)
baked over the watercolor, then sanded and buffed, and you have
beautiful enamel like color that wont wear off, and isnt as glossy as
liquid varnish
...the best (and cheapest) sealant that I've used
is diluted PVA glue (white glue).... can dilute it with
water to any consistency
......the beauty of this polymeric glue
is that it doesn't react with clay plasticisers, will withstand our baking
temps, and is completely clear when it dries.
.....after you've
drawn or watercolored on clay, this works wonderfully well. Alan
But do
these sealers also prevent bleeding
into the clay after a year or two?
water colors and tempera tend to bleed into the fillers in the clay, especially
fillers used in Fimo and
Cernit... varnish will not stop this
infiltration. Katherine Dewer
for more on watercolor pencils, see below in Colored Pencils
glycerin is also a very good watercolour paint additive - it prevents rapid drying. Alan
as inclusions in translucent clay. . . to tint them
(may work
even though they contain water, which can create
bubbles or plaquing, because you don't need too much, and the tube types
are thicker?)
...I took out a tube of water color paint and used it
to tint translucent Premo.... used different amounts of paint in eachand baked
came out very nicely -- saturated with color, not muddy... not crumbly... sanded
and buffed up well. Ginny B.
I’m enjoying "watercolor
painting" on polymer clay pc with alcohol inks (Pinata),
which behave like watercolors. make them like watercolors,
you just water them down with the extender or rubbing alcohol make pastels of any of the Pinata colors, you add the white
(opaque) ink. Kat's Creations
...Patricia Kimle's "watercolor"
painting using alcohol-based inks. . . . softly washed colors, color bleeding,
color layering
...her book including this technique will be coming out soon
painting on clay with Pinata Inks....there is no absorption of water by clay
...rather the alcohol ink deposits the pigment particles on top of
the clay as it evaporates, "setting" the pigment that
way. Patti B.
..syndee holt's demo on painting with alcohol inks on
a transfer?, coloring book style
(click on each)
(...much more info on using inks for watercoloring
on polymer clay, see Lettering-Inks > Alcohol
Inks > Painting)
add much more
(for using tempera or other watersoluble paints for "crackling," see below in Crackling)
(there's also a technique for creating the look of a watercolor painting applying tiny, very thin cane slices to a background clay base, resulting in a completely flat surface ... see Canes-Instr. > Overall Techniques > Component Caning)
MISC. re paints... + OTHER paints
Lee used milk paint as a way to antique polymer clay at Shrinemont
2004... and the Las Vegas Clay workshop
......The milk paint that we worked
with is by Aspen Art Stamps and they have a bit of information on their website
about it.
......on page 43 of the 2004 issue of PolymerCafe, there is some information
about the Vintage Milk Paint by Aspen Art Stamps. Helen
...I've used
milk paint with polymer clay -- if you use it on the outside you can get a soapstone
kind of look, or antique look. Tonya
...milk paint is actually a "recipe" of
ingredients that varied between geographic areas, but is basically a combination
of milk protein (casein), lime and a variety of natural pigments
such as iron oxide, lampblack, berries, dried plants and many others.
manufacturers have duplicated the milk paint formulation in a dry powder mix.
.....the colors are deep and rich, long lasting and extremely fade-resistant
and have a texture that cannot be duplicated with today's commercial paints...
it bonds extremely well with most porous surfaces...most manufacturers
offer milk paint primers or other surface preparations that increase the
milk paint's ability to bond to non-porous surfaces. shrinks
more than standard paints as it dries
creating the salt
effect is pretty easy to get "starburst"shaped patterns
anything really wet will work with salt (including any types of
water-based paints-- acrylic (possibly diluted), watercolor, fabric,
Lumiere, etc.) ....when salt gets wet, it "explodes" giving bursting effects...
then after everything dries, just brush off the salt residue. Trina
...can use plain salt (smaller or more subtle?), rock salt or
Kosher salt are larger flakes, plus other "salts"?
......"exploded salt"
(Silk Salt) is used by the silk painters really like pretzel salt --it's
been puffed and air in it
......when it's sprinkled on wet colored
ares, (dyed fabric, watercolor paper, etc.)... salt absorbs the dye as
it dries, leaving textured, halo effects.. works best on medium
to dark shades (see a bit more on this in Letters-Inks
> Alcohol Inks > Other uses)
For an entirely different look,
you can spritz a wet waterbased paint with rubbing alcohol, this
will cause the paint to spread or disperse from the alcohol. Should work on baked
clay too. Nina O.
pencils (use soft ones for best results)
is definitely considered one of the finest brands of colored pencils available.
The lead is soft enough to give brilliant color and blending capabilities,
but not so soft as to break up.
....colored Crayola pencils were shown
by Toni B. for transfers (not direct drawing?) onto clay (which
work great and are cheaper than Prisma pencil she says).
...Mail order
is a good way to go here. Currently, ASW Expess in NC has them in their catalogue
at 40% off mfg. price as follows: Sets: 12 colors- $7.59 24 colors- $15.19 72
colors- $45.39 120 colors- $75.69 Shipping is free! Their phone number is 1-800-995-6778
ASW's catalogue is varied; it's listings change from time to time. They carry
a decent amount of materials. I have ordered from them and service is excellent.
INFO re using
colored pencils has moved to Transfers
> Colored Pencils
(coloring directly on baked clay...
or coloring on photocopies or transfer papers first, then transferring to clay)
are some examples though:
.... and,,HGTV_3238_1378909,00.html,,HGTV_3352_1909744,00.html
(bottom of page)
colored pencils are, by definition, water soluble
- the cores are pigments, solulbisers and binders such as gum arabic (or a synthetic
equivalent)..... So you'll have to seal them into the clay....otherwise
if it were to become accidentally wet, some or all of the pigment would be lost.
. . . - simply brushing on a waterbased
varnish would naturally disturb your artwork. I use an aerosoliser
instead (have you seen the type with a dip-tube and a mouthpiece which are joined
in a simple 'venturi' style sprayhead? They're sold in artshops for pastel and
chalk stabilisers and are quite inexpensive . ..they're metal and so can be used
with lots of different solvents and water based solutions.) The beauty of them
is that they allow very small quantities to be sprayed onto a surface
- with minimal disruption of the medium to be stabilised;
so they are perfect for use with pastels, chalks and even powders
on clay. An viable alternative would be one of those air-pumped sprayers
(perfume, cooking oil etc) filled with diluted acrylic varnish (remember
to wash it out after use though!....otherwise it'll clog) Alan
...(see more
on sprayers like this in Finishes > Sprays)
A friend says that she has also covered the watercolor pencils with the Future with no problem by using a very soft brush, flooding the surface with the Future, and letting it sit overnight. DottyinCA
see more on using watercolors above in Water Solubles (watercolors + tempera)
(soft, hard,
pencils, oil, water-soluble, oil "pencils")
definitions + differences
some companies may offer more than one
type of pastel
examples of all types of
pastels + info
(mostly from Wikipedia) Dry pastel media can be subdivided as follows:
(chalky consistency)
Soft pastels ("pastels", "French pastels"?) —most widely used form of pastel
...made with a gum or methyl cellulose binder ?
...sticks have a more pigment and less binder, resulting in brighter colors
...can be readily smudged and blended, but it results in a higher proportion of dust
...require a fixative to prevent smudging
...vary from hard (Faber-Castell Polychromos) to very soft (Schmincke), with many variations in between.
...extensive color lines, like Sennelier
Hard pastels
... less pigment, more binder and less pigment, resulting in less brilliant colors than soft pastels
...can be sharpened to a point so useful for fine details... often used for outlining and preliminary sketching, and backgrounds with soft color
...can be used with other pastels or other media for drawing outlines and adding detailsPastel pencils —pencils with a pastel lead
...useful for adding fine details(waxy or crayon-like consistency)
Oil pastels
.....sticks made with pigment, non-drying oil, wax binder ... look and feel like crayons
.....soft, buttery consistency... intense colors
.......compared to hard and soft pastels, oil pastels are:
.........more difficult to blend
.........cleaner, and do not rub off as much ...resist not pose any health risk in terms of breathing dust not require a fixative... never fully harden (can be smudged in storage)
.....when used lightly, effects are similar to pastel chalks
scholastic grade, e.g., Loew Cornell (harder, and less vibrant) ......Pentel?
student grade e.g., Van Gogh (softer, and more vibrant).
professional grade e.g., Sennelier, Holbein (softest, and most vibrant)"oil color pencils" ?? those by Willow Hollow ...what type are these? (....oil pigments suspended in wax base)
... can be purchased at Michaels, not in the art section but in the wood craft section. (page 4)Water-soluble pastels -- similar to soft pastels, but contain a water-soluble component such as glycol (which allows the colors to be thinned out using a water wash)
pastels I bought for painting portraits come in grades of softness
I just bought a set of Yarkas, recently... they're much softer than
Rembrandts or NuPastels (now called Prismacolor NuPastel)
....think I could probably color the clay directly with those (with Sennelier
brand soft pastels, I am almost sure you could).
..........I have a huge set
of the Sennelier pastels and their irridescent pastels too...and both are
wonderful! I've been using them for some time in my parchment crafting. Love the
irridescent line!
...pastels are also graded by lightfastness,
and labelled as to pigment purity.
grade" pastels like .Alphacolor
aren't as lightfast
and don't contain the high concentration of pigments of the
artist grade pastels.JAN
using pastels with clay
L. uses sharp oil pencils ... or sometimes Prismacolor colored
...Lessons at her website:
the clay for painting... covers a ball with cane slides, rolls, then mostly
flattens one side... bakes?
.....combine pearl and translucent clays and
adds to rounded? side of bead as base for drawing
...smooths as much
as possible... bakes
.....drawing the face
a dragon eye on an oval cabochon
baked clay (she uses an oval cabochon) by sanding with 320 grit wet-dry
.......draw with very sharp pencils
.......can also use
an Xacto blade as "eraser" (to get thin lines, etc.)
blending can use a "blending" pencil or 400 grit sandpaper
drawing, seal and finish by brushing on liquid clay thinned with
....... bake 10-15 min, no longer
layers of liquid clay after cooling, up to 4-6 layers (so thick enough
for later sanding)
......... can sand with 400 between some layers
sand with 800 grit
.......buff to high gloss
..........or dip
in Varathane (2 layers, sanding with 800 after first layer)
L's earlier lesson
...I find its
easier to work on slightly curved surfaces (for beads?)
bake the clay as usual, then sand it with 320 grit sandpaper
I draw with the sharp pencils ...if you make mistakes, use the sandpaper
as an eraser.
...bake to set the pencil ... 200-275
for 5 minutes put a clear sealer on top, thin liquid clay to
the consistency of heavy cream, then coat the surface with a thin
film of it ...bake 275 for 12 min
.........(repeat the liquid clay
& baking steps at least 3-5 times)... use more than one coat
so you don't sand right down to the drawing later
sand and buff
....can also coat that with Varathane
or (another, or spray?) acrylic sealant
... let dry at room temperature...
heat set with a hair dryer on high for 1 minute. Karen
just use Varathane to begin with??
Karen's lesson
at HGTV re drawing a face with oil pencils on a translucent clay ball
framing the face with a disc of clay & bits of a stamped, shaved, mokume
stack, as a frame or "hair",1789,HGTV_3238_3314063,00.html
drawings on larger flatter wall hangings using oil pastels and layers of
liquid clay (on translucent or iridescent base clay)
... framed,
some with mixed media
are great for drawing landscapes too... Karen
paintings ... "carved"
.translucent clay (some not translucent?) pieces painted
on with artist grade chalks and pastels in layers, cured between...
glazings, etc.
.... if held to light, paintings are translucent ...some also
trimmed with gold
(more highly carved)
..(flat or flatter)
Karen's tip for
correcting colors that may fade (pinks, purples,
....before baking, let drawing sit in bright light or close to
heat source for a while
... if colors fade or change, adjust color...
then bake
make a palette for your artist pastels with sheet of rather coarse
sandpaper (180 grit would be good)... tape it to a piece of cardboard ...then
rub the soft pastels on the sandpaper, just a couple of swipes loosens a LOT of
........arrange your colors the way you would an oil palette,
to avoid color crossing... blues in one area, yellows in another, etc.
to paint with them, use a sponge-tip eyeshadow applicator(by
the dozen at the Dollar Store) instead of a brush
.......moistened with a
teeny bit with a 50/50 alcohol-Diluent mixture (good
for smoothing away fingerprints.)
........these are much better than a brush
for applying the colors to raw clay. could also get
those "pointed" Q-tips to use... disposable and you can do some
really fine details with them. Elizabeth
I have had some interesting results by grinding pastels, mixing them with
water, then painting onto raw clay
.... I let the "paint" dry
before baking and wash it off afterwards.... the clay
absorbs some of the colour, and the results are quite precise. Anne
Jean's painting with pastel dust and water on uncured Sculpey,
then cured
..."brushes" were 8 hairs from an eyeshadow brush taped
to the end of a tooth pick. Painting done with magnifying glass
(also see Miniatures?)
however, should not be used on scrapbook page
embellishments since they contain oils.
Chalks ...... cakes of concentrated chalk color
... concentrated
pigment. .... acid-free....... come in palettes of various colors
Welsh's lesson on coloring grapes and leaves with decorator chalks (onlays
on baked bowl) ...for leaves, she picks up lt. green chalk heavily with
a brush, then dabs from the center out on each leaf...then uses medium green from
the outside edges to the inside... then uses darker green in same way...other
colors can be used to highlight tips . . . for grapes, dabs purple chalk
here and there ...then repeat with blue and purple . . .bake... antique with Bumt
Umber acrylic... seal with "thin coat of acrylic sealer to protect".,1789,HGTV_3240_1397231,00.html
by Craf-T Products:
...APPLICATION: .Use cheap cotton
swabs for small areas, and eyeshadow or makeup sponges
for larger areas. ...a diff. applicator for every color.
with a back and forth motion... reapply chalk until the desired intensity
of color is achieved.
.....blend the chalk colors with a circular motion
for a gently blended effect.
.....apply lightly for a soft look, or more heavily
for intense color. not to use fingers
to apply since they have natural oils.
..... chalk will set within 40-60 minutes
after application.... permanent after 24 hours keep chalks from smearing
or migrating on paper, use an acid-free spray fixative like Blair No Odor
Spray Fixative (don't use hairspray to seal your chalks, not photo safe).
artist's white plastic eraser will remove chalk without leaving a mark
(pencil erasers may leave dark smudge & may contain an oil).
stamped pendants, highlighted with "Powder Chalks (most
saturated colors), Liquid Chalk Inks, Byzantia Paints, and Pearl Ex"
Ordinary kids' chalks can also
be used for raw clay
. . . . I made some "palettes" for my kids'
classes by gluing a cut piece of sandpaper to the inside of a box, then drawing
a grid with a permanent marker. I rubbed each of the colors into one square of
the grid, creating a bit of powder in the crevices. . . .the kids used a soft
brush to pick up some powdered chalk, then dabbed it onto (their
sculpture's head and/or hair) until it was dark enough --"stroking"
won't work nearly as well.
...the effect will be softer than an acrylic wash,
but looks great on faces or things like angels and flowers where you might want
a soft effect. These you might already have at home.) does sink in?
a bit over the years and become less saturated and maybe a bit darker... DB
eyeshadows ... use as other chalks but these are more intense than ordinary chalks
Colorbox's Fluid Chalk inkpads, which act
like a semi-transparent matte paint, see Letters-Inks
> Chalk Inks)
(for liquid chalk markers, see Letters-Inks
> Chalk Inks)
(for artist chalk pastels,
see Powders >
(for coloring transfers with chalk,
see Transfers > Pastels, Chalks, Dusts)
I was looking for powder to use for my fairies and
their wings...i wanted some blush for cheeks ect and have been using makeup blusher
but i wanted powder which didn't have a
glitter look to it.
.... I went into a cake shop and noticed
they had some colour food dust in about 80 colours , i took
some home and i was amazed how good they came out, they stick to unbaked clay
and also a little to baked clay and if that wasn't enough, add water and you have
paint...... its also safe to have around pets and kids as it edible...kasaj101
??I use chalks on certain pins that I make and teach. When I first started making them....I tried the Krylon Matte Spray too to seal it. Seemed to be fine for a long while. I kept one pin for myself and one day went to my jewelry box to wear it and it was tacky! Really sticky …Shawn ( applied to thickly, or not allowed to dry between coats?)
I made the heart shape first, dusted on the colored chalk with a
good soft brush
... then onto the uncured clay I drew the designs with
milky markers and metallic gel markers.
....I then covered
the bead with a very thin #6 sheet of translucent clay. (Donna's phototransfer
encased technique is a bit different...the chalking and drawing is done first
around the transfer then a sheet of translucent is applied)
....this is all
then run thru the pasta machine ,then applied to a bead core. Geo
I've been dying polymer clay for years. Like fabric, the intensity of the dye comes, not so much from the length of times in the dye vat, but how many times it is dyed and rinsed. Much of the wood tone in the Dryad sculpture at Arrowmont came from fabric dye (Rit dye? or something more like Procion?).
You can also use concentrated tea to stain polymer. . .
couple of months ago, for no reason, I bought some 'wood & reed' dye at
a local art supply store. It's a very dark, very fine powder. Last night, while
playing around, I decided to see what kind of effect the dye would have with the
clay and paint. I very lightly dusted some black powdered dye on
a piece of polymer clay. Later, I silk screened over it with some white
....The cool and unexpecting (at least to me) part was the dye
slowly and partially soaked up through to the white paint, creating
a kind of speckled effect that could be seen on the surface of the paint.
Even though the dye was black, only the red particles soaked through,
giving the white paint a pinkish tinge with red speckles. The effect was rather
strong but it toned down a bit after baking. The pinkish cast faded quite a bit,
but the red speckles stayed. I made a light plate cover out of the experiment::
(click on Next to see the baked version). I still plan to glaze the thing to seal
in all the different things I coated the clay with (inlcuding the dye)....I see
some interesting potentials with this stuff. Desiree
....I noticed that even
when lightly dusting, because it's so fine and light, it went everywhere.
I'm sure that's intentional so the dyes will dissolve quickly in another media
like water or oil or paint. Are there any unusual or extraordinary safety issues
that you know of? Desiree
....I try to treat them with the same respect I
do Powdered pearls etc. I don't wear a mask..but am very careful about inhaling
around them :) Of course..I avoid any drafts when using them too. A mask might
be a good idea...I just dont happen to use one. Jan R.
....I've used them
quite a bit with TLS. I have several bottles of various colors here that
I've used in painting etc.. Jan R.
..... You don't need the
PhotoEZ silk screen, per se. You can use any kind of stencil, like
the types sold for paper crafts and decorating. Then, you need a couple of colors
of acrylic paint and perhaps a pearlex powder or two. Desiree (see Stencil subcategory
Donna Kato had some colored powders with her at our retreat. I'm pretty sure this was the brand - D'UVA chromacoal powder She mixed them in with the titanium white Genesis paint and used it in her mokume gane. It was a really neat effect. Geo in MI.
alcohol-based inks (like
Pinata) are intense, transparent, acid-free, alcohol-based colorants
(dyes). ....they are one of my favorite inks for clay.
(...for much more info on these and many ways they can be used, see
Letters-Inks > Alcohol Inks)
powdered temperas (see Inclusions > Powders for temepras, pigments, etc.)
"brushes"( Clay Shapers and Colour Shapers) come in various
sizes, shapes, and firmnesses
...I love the smallest #2 sized set...I
do pretty smallish pieces though..the biggest full body was maybe 8-10" tall.
My favorite tip is the Taper Point~it is the only one I have in Soft
and Ex~Firm. My other favorite shape is the Angle Chisel Ex~Firm. But
I must admit I love them all. They get into little nooks and crannies wonderfully.
I like the soft tipped one for more of a final smoothing type fella. BTW~I
have used these with paint as well and they are great and clean up beautifully!
Sculpting-Tools for
more on these)
also palette knives for paste painting
I've taken to buying packages of head-cleaning brushes at Radio shack to get the sort of foam brush that I like to use with interference paints. They come 10 to a package for under $2.
I use acrylic paint on baked/cooled clay.... I have better results for tiny things using a toothpick rather than a paint brush.
Valley's small brush-like disposable applicators (lifted
directly from the dentistry business) let you apply tiny amounts of oil, paint,
glue, stain, etc., very accurately and controllably, and also good for cleaning...,110,42967
--Burnt Umber acrylic paint (or another dark brown or black
--or even any other color) is rubbed or toothbrushed into all the
crevices of the baked clay for several minutes... then rubbed or rinsed off of
just the higher parts (use dry, or damp?, flat cloth.
... more or less
of the paint will stay in the crevices depending on the length of waiting time
and degree of wiping
…you can use a touch of soap if needed to remove any film
left on the upper parts
...some people do just one section at a time..... let
dry before continuing.... can use oven to expedite
...the color created with
acrylic paints is generally stronger and more opaque than for patinas
paint gives the clay a more glossy look .... acrylic paint gives
a more matte look. Dotty in CA
are various mediums to use for creating antiquing or patinas on
polymer clay:
....acrylic paints
... oil paints (and water-soluble
... liquid clays tinted with inclusions such as oil
paints,. alcohol inks, and metallic powders)
clear finishes (such as Future (with inclusions such as powders
or acrylic paints)
....or even colored pencils, e.g.
can be stippled on with a brush, sponge, etc., or they can be painted
on to cover all or just certain areas
.......these can also be layered
over each other
.......or used with other surface manipulations like
transfers, stampings, sheets created in various ways, etc.
(for more on antiquing see just below, and also in Molds > Antiquing)
--in the polymer world, this term seems to have come to refer to one of various
surface effects which cause the surface to look softened, mellowed
... or to make it look marked as from age or use,
it can also mean colored and dimensional from oxidation (original
definition: a film formed on copper and bronze by exposure, or by treatment with
acids, etc.)
...the first type has somewhat transparent coatings
(the original background surface or color usually shows through)
completely cover and color or stain the dimensional areas... or they may
be left only in the recesses as with "antiquing"
type paints may work best for this because they're generally more translucent,
and leave a softer color behind
...the second type is usually opaque and dimensional,
though can also incorporate oil paints
(for more
on patinas created in various ways, see Fauxs-many
> Aged & Ancient Effects)
oil paints ....often baked after applying to
clay (5-10 min) ...maybe just to speed up drying though?
paints fall into the crevices (especially shallow
grooves) much better than acrylics when glazing or antiquing
...they ARE messier though
...and harder to clean up.
...they also stain the whole
surface a bit
...oil paints give a lovely, soft glow of
color, somewhat glossy (acrylics more matte finish) color
several areas of baked clay, put a tiny bit
of one color onto the baked piece in whatever area you want... rub
it off leaving just a hint of color.
......a second
application of the first color can then be done to heighten
the saturation
......then a different color can
be used in another area. Dotty in CA
Gibson used mostly oil paints for filling in the grooves of clay created by her
etching transfer process...rebaked 5-10 min
...for shallow
grooves in flat clay, just squeeze on some oil paint, rub it gently into the
engraved areas... then using a cardboard, or the chisel end of one of those clay
shaper tools, squeegee the excess paint from the surface...rebake for about
10 minutes if using oil paint to set it)
...someone said they had some "clay
degradation" with oil paint... I don't know about that,
but frankly, I spend enough time on my stuff to not want to lose I'm sticking
with acrylic paints. Jodie
........("degradation" may be a result
of not curing the clay completely? ... should
be fine)
water-soluble oil paints
......I used Pthalo blue
H2O oil paints on my textured tiles.... I dabbed it all over a too-bright metallic
silver, and immediately rubbed off all the highlighs. What a beautiful "new" tile
...and the oils covered those deep valleys of the texture better than the acrylics...
the metallic did not resist it either. Jane
heat-set oil paints
an antiquing paint, Genesis works great
.....lesson: make and bake
the item... when cool, sand and buff it... rub the paint over it, and rub off
any excess... rebake for 5-6 min's in at 250 degrees... buff the surface again
--the Genesis areas
won't buff up (on their own), but the rest of the piece will. Dotty ........Katherine
Dewey says it will buff if a bit of liquid clay is added to it the Genesis
"Oil Paints" above for a bit more on using all oil type paints)
... stipple the paint on ( jabbing with a rather stiff brush
so that the paint gets into all the recessed areas)
....wipe off the
surface area, leaving the paint in the recessed areas .... let dry thoroughly can also sand the surface after drying if you need
to remove any residue
.....buff if you want a shiny upper surface.
....can rebake to set the paint even more (200-250 degrees
for 5-10 min)
.... I've used them for years and find them to be quite
permanent.... after drying, I re-bake the piece for 10 min or so at about
200 degrees
......these won't stand up to being cleaned with household
cleaners like 409 or Fantastik, but for normal handling
and even cleaning with a damp cloth, acrylics are fine. Irene
(for more
basics on this antiquing, see Molds >
paints in tubes ("artists acrylics") are thicker
than most bottled crafts acrylics, so many prefer to use them for antiquing
often used are .Burnt Umber, .Black,
.Titanium White (bleached and unbleached),
Red Oxide, .gold, etc.
use just regular old (i.e., cheap) craft paints for my patinas and
tinted liquid
clays (tinted with oil paints or alcohol inks)
liquid clay, oil paints, and alcohol inks are translucent, they can resemble the
kiln-fired glazes of ceramic pieces, especially if gloss finish is applied
I found that if the clay is slightly warm, the antiquing will grab quicker. syndee
If you plan to antique over Pearl-X powders, make sure you've rubbed the powders on really well (or you will wipe a good portion of it off with your excess paint!!) syndee
I usually
use 3 colors of acyrlic to antique things because I absolutely feel that
I get better results this way.
....I start with the lightest
color ...rub it in.. let it set for a while.. rub it out
....then do
the same with other 2 colors
paints are the best bet for bright colors for antiquing
......I have
used bright red, blue, yellow and purple on other projects, and
loved the look. Dotty in CA
brave with your colors:. paint over a white clay
(impressed with leaf stamps) is absolutely beautiful paint
on silver clay paint on turquoise clay . syndee
R's white antiquing on black Balinese Filigree
Denise in Austin's white "antiquing" on dark mask
(near bottom ... Lulua Mask) (inaccessible?)
Antiquing can also be done over metallic powders or leaf, crackled finishes, in different areas or a piece or different colors used sequentially, etc.
with your paints, glazes and rubbing compounds! can always remove
a color if you don't like it, using a toothbrush and some
dishwashing liquid (asumming you aren't working on something delicate)
Kato makes a faux brocade look (" Brokato ") by impressing
raw clay with texture sheets or stampings, then antiquing-backfilling
the impressions with gold acrylic paint (in tube) by wiping the raw
clay pattern until the highlights are mostly removed
as a flat variation of the pattern by first completely covering the
texture thickly with gold paint and drying, then applying a (different)
color of acrylic paint to top surfaces (tapping on the thick
paint with finger) and drying
....... can then also roll over gently
to flatten the texture and to spread out the pattern (hand rolling may
be gentler than pasta machining to avoid actual crackling)
(see also crackle mediums just below in Miscellaneous, which can be antiqued)
Enterprises has a line of "waterbase, all-purpose translucent glaze they
call "Glaze Vernis" for Trompe l'oeil which comes in a variety of colors
--including some greens that would be useful for making the verdigris
on copper (as well as copper, silver, gold)
.........they are created
for Decorator Blocks and Decorator Tools. … found them in Michael's wall decorating
.... Aleene's makes
a paint called an Enhancer. I have the Verdigris color, which is
a perfect green to add to that copper. Kat
lead pencils can be applied, then rubbed to a rainbow patina on
Pearl Premo and on Translucent Premo.
... I had an article in Kids
Crafts about this, and it's also in my book Polymer Clay for the First Time. syndee
also: "Polychrome Finishing Techniques",
for several layers
of transparent coloring:
stretching & manipulating paints, inks & finishes ...
create a crackled effect, various liquids can be used:
....regular acrylic
paints ...heat-set acrylic paints... acrylic inks... clear
acrylics (also with inclusions)... tempera (water soluble)...and even
metallic ink from markers
(in addition to metallic leaf and foils)
paints, inks, and other mediums won't stretch once they're dry
if they're placed on top of (or between layers of) raw clay --which
will stretch-- and they are then both stretched, the dried medium
will fracture into small islands
......for paints, these are generally the
better brands of acrylics and inks, esp. metallics and pearls
more the raw clay is stretched, the larger the spaces between islands
of the medium become
basic lesson:
...apply the paint (or or ink
or clear finish) on all or just on parts of
raw clay (often a sheet of clay)
...let it dry well
through pasta machine on a thinner setting to crackle it
(or brayer it, etc)... or just press in certain areas, then pasta machine
again to even out
Can also layer, manipulate,
then stretch thin painted sheets
the colored sheets
......... then can score... etch... carve
... onlay lattice, etc.
(Elise Winters' class --Stretching
the Polymer Canvas: painted, pushed, pierced, and pulled polymer
...also many sections (often strips) of onlay or inlay
with interesting areas of crackling
around with the amount of paint/ink, etc., on the clay
sure liquids are completely dry.
Crackled areas can also be antiqued to show up the crackling more (esp. for clear crackling?)
Powders like metallic powders (& embossing powders, tc.) will stick to the clay in between the crackles, making it look like the foil is floating on the powdered surface (the one I saw had colored powder, but clear might be cool too)
You can
even crackle a "painting" (or a colored pattern)....
a scene or whatever you want on the clay...then crackle it (once
each direction?)... as long as you don’t keep passing it thru the
pasta machine, you’ll get what you painted but in a crackle effect... It’s cool!
Mary V.
Could the paint or ink be cut, separated, stamped, combed,
etc., before stretching?... or after strethcing, then pasta machined
....esp. if the inks were on an interesting background sheet,
they could be stretched until there the bits of paint or leaf were very widely
Paints can be used to create surface effects on clay (or other things) by manipulating it while wet (can simulate wood grain or many other patterns) . . . see details in Faux Turquoise-Wood > Wood > Surface Techniques)
A hardware store tile-layer's adhesive spreading tool (flat, notched) allows you to comb paint on clay (especially interference paints) (Elise Winters showed that)
acrylic paints & inks
and pearl paints/inks seem to work best
....good quality
paints/inks seem to work best
Winters ran into the problem of some paints not
crackling when developing her crackle technique (they simply stretched
with the clay or peeled off
when stretched)
...some good-quality metallic or pearl
paints that work
......some Goldens
work pretty well, as well as Rembrandts. Dotty ... also Liquitex
crackle the Lumiere paints (heat set, thin body
acrylic paints), I'd recommend that you dilute them about 1/2 and
1/2 with water before you apply them to the raw clay sheet, and then apply
thinly --this will eliminate a lot of the body of the paint so that it can
crackle or thin itself across the surface of the clay as you manipulate it instead
of stretching so much (...there is so much mica in the Lumieres
that diluting them does not seem to remove any of their sparkle)
... and when
applied to a white base, I don't believe the colors will even appear
to fade down with dilution....they will lose their opacity though ...applied
to black base clay, they will not appear as intense as the full-bodied
paint. Elizabeth
..Luna Lights
paints (more like inks) do fracture just
a little bit (not enough for doing any
of the techniques which need definite fracturing however, like Elise's ....when
you thin and stretch them trying to make them fracture, they get fainter in
color and finally blend right into the background color
. . (on the positive side, when they are coated and fired on black clay
and then covered with Fimo mineral-based glaze, they are beautiful!! ...look
a lot like dichroic glass. Dotty)
...see Tracy's beads above in Metallic
Paints for dichroic look using random cracked gold leaf and Luna Lights
paints will get gummy if left too long
on the raw clay before curing! Valerie (but let dry well)
... the key
is to thin the paint a bit and not put it on too thick.
...Daler-Rowney Pearlescent
Acrylic "Ink" is really a pigment ink which
contains mica... same as Pearl Ex "ink" and other pearlescent
acrylic inks?
....Posh Rainbow inks
will also fracture
Geer's lesson on applying various colors of Daler-Rowney pearlescent
inks to a sheet of black clay in random streaks and squiggles... tilting
the clay a bit to let some of the colors run together... and letting dry
.... then running thru a pasta machine at a slightly
thinner setting to crackle the ink
(...she then cuts a bit of the sheet to
fit inside a metal bezel and pours into some clear embossing powder, before baking)
S's various examples of this technique:
streaks of various colors of pearlescent acrylic paint (actually
Dahler Rowney?) applied to raw clay , then crackled (Altoid, pens, frames)
Geer's covered jar using crackled inks of various colors
on black clay
Brigitta's crackled Daler-Rowney
inks... various colors placed here and there on black clay before
crackling cut into short strips then wrapped around skewer for "beads"
opals ....I
dab some pink, aqua, and violet inks onto a blue-to-
green Skinner blend sheet of Premo metallic clay
dry ...cover it with a thin sheet of blue, green, and pink tinted
translucent (bleached)
...then I run the "opal sandwich" through
the pasta machine to bind the sheets and also to crackle the
inks inside
...I cut the final sheet into strips,
or tear it into irregular shapes form "opal
collages," I have also combined these sheets with sheets of translucent
clay backed with gold leaf. Elissa
for a crackle effect
mokume gane stack, I used (Daler-Rowney Pearlescent Acrylic)
inks (I was inspired by Allison Ingham)
...she tints translucent clay
with Premo Pearl colors for 4 sheets...+ regular Premo (yellow clay
& a bit of yellow PearlEx) for 1sheet
...each sheet is then painted
with a similar color of ink
...the ink is allowed to
dry which will cause it to begin cracking (without stretching??)
. .she suggests
putting the ink on thinner, or the stack will be difficult
to cut (when dry, the inks are fairly tough)
she then stacks the inked sheets... and then makes curved, angled cuts
to remove pieces which (look like sm, 5-layer, curved-rainbows)
of these she curve-slices again to use as bits for covering base
beads . . Mia
.....Mia's lesson
a little different style of crackle with your Daler Rowney paints:
a sheet of raw clay with 2 coats of Future, letting each one dry
before the next step.
...then paint on your Daler Rowney's ...let that dry
...and run it through your pasta machine, decreasing the thickness
one number at a time until you get the effect you want.--Suzanne
(... for crackling with
clear liquids, see
Finishes > Crackling)
Helen Breil uses metallic clay in various ways as component parts
of her jewelry --looks like leaf
(Step by Step Beads --Sep 2004)
Breil's "2 colors of Pinata Inks
foil (leaf?), no inks"
and which paint/ink?
info on crackled metallic leaf and foils, see Leaf)
acrylic mediums (..or tinted)
mediums" can be purchased (Michaels, etc.) ..
these generally come
as 2 parts
...... some brands have an opaque underlayer, but
the ones we're probably most interested in have a clear underlayer
so they can be used on top of other designs, transfers, etc.)
single layer of acrylic finish (like Future) can be used instead,
esp. for fine crackling (can also be tinted or have inclusions)
powders in Future work well too... Paulo
... Future will
thicken up if I leave it out overnight or in an open container
for a couple of days color it, add some acrylic paint.
(...for more on clear crackled
layers, see Finishes
> Crackling
tempera.... water-soluble paint
DB... add my stuff and finish
Tony Aquino crackles tempera water-soluble
paints on clay (..but they must be sealed afterward).
..paint tempera on raw clay...let dry (~30 min) through
pasta machine...seal with liquid clay or clear finish
...though many
variations are possible
(pg. 1)
....articles in Polymer Cafe--Fall 2003 + Winter 2003 (Surface Treatments,
Tempera on Polymer Clay...Parts 1 & 2)
use the regular Jazz
Liquid Tempera......don't use Jazz Gloss
Tempera (not compatible with clay)
...Jazz was developed by Tony..." a
brilliant opaque watercolor" ..colors are very saturated & thick consistency
(can be thinned with water)
...Tony uses the metallic colors ......(gold,silver,copper,
etc. will look like cracked metal leaf)
...(tempera's natural matte
finish will usually be made glossy when dry, in one of several ways)
expensive than most paints.... and very
much non-toxic
...lightfast ..."it's
a generalization that temperas are more susceptible to fading than other paints
Jazz temperas use many of the same color pigments and color index numbers
that the best tube acrylics and architectural coatings use (some of which have
a poor lightfastness rating and some are rated excellent)
..... unsealed
tempera has been known to last for many months for seasonal or holiday displays
on windows"
since (dried) tempera is not
permanent without sealing, a water-resistant
seal over the paint can be created (then it's just as permanent as any paint)
with acrylic medium (matte or gloss)
....or with
other acrylic gloss sealers ...or Tony uses liquid clay (and re-bakes)
...lesson showing crackling + patterns created by using
liquid clay in some areas
tempera on pearl white clay here
I made this on the number #3 setting painted it
with tempera paint let dry, stamped, then ran through the pm through to the number
3. Kat
2. then he rubs
off any unsealed paint not protected with liquid
clay after baking under running water
....(so could liquid clay
be used to place tempera and/or crackle only where wanted for designs or
solid areas? --similar to embossing powders before baking, which will stick only
where the embossing ink/etc. was... hmmm, most of the designs shown on that page
don't even seem to be crackled, so did he use the liquid clay to paint
or stamp designs only where he wanted the tempera to stick?) can
impress the clay with some sort of texture or stamps or marks
before applying paint (patterning
will result from crackle and texture)
......Sept/Oct issue of Step-By-Step
beading has an extremely comprehensive article. Margaret D.
You can manitpulate
it in diferent ways to get really neat looks.
....If you use a rubber stamp
before you put it through the pm, you get that image within the crackles
(like the photo) ..where are links??
.PatriciaHouTX let clay show though = spaces between island crackles
or whole areas
......crackle (anytime crackle, will separate coatings)
paint that area have paint color show through (as crackle islands)
= paint on a paint color ... paint liquid clay everywhere.. bake... rinse
off extra paint
.....darker shade of paint color (Tony
calls this "staining") as (crackle islands or anywhere)
= paint on a paint color ....... paint on liquid clay where want darker
...bake...rinse off extra paint
.......some colors will "stain" more
than others
to antique, wipe color
Desiree used a crackled background
(panel) under her plain leaf onlays (for the tops of her boxes...middle
of page)
... the under surfaces of the boxes have crackling only
other liquids to crackle
Jean/stargazer ...used metallic
pens, (I think), I forget now (to create a crackle finish).
"I puddled some so I could swirl it around on top of a sheet of
clay.".... then let it dry and THEN stretched the clay sheet to
get this crackle finish ...Nora Jean
.....This sounds a little
like Elise Winter's technique, not exactly, but similar. ... and since it's done
on unbaked clay, you could certainly put it around a rounded tube shape
MISCELLANEOUS all paints + books/etc.
Art of Polymer Clay .Creative Surface Effects,
by Donna Kato
treatment techniques: stencils, stamps, paints and inks, sculpting, inclusions,
special effects, and finishing ...image transfers ...projects: beads, bracelets,
pins, pendants, boxes ....essentials of polymer clay, color blending, Skinner
blend, etc.
(for info on the properties of the pigments that create color in polymer clay, paints, etc. see Color > Helpful Tips > Pigments)
The eye ends of those big needles also make great dip pens for TLS, paints and frisket. Halla
ll the (stamping) ink pads have "reinkers" which are tiny bottles of ink meant to refresh/refill the pads. However, they can be used as "paint" as well. That would probably be better than using the pads for clay artists. ...available online through many sources. Jessica
A " painting board "for holding painted or varnished obejcts as they dry can sometimes be found at craft and hobby shops (each board has a multitude of tiny points spaced pretty close together that you can place your painted object on) see details on these & on making them in Finishes > Misc. for All Finishes)
High Desert Polyglaze,
by cre8it..(4 colors, mixable)
...few lessons:
.....tinted (pastel) and extremely
matte finish... for simulating a bisque finish on polymer clay
(especially on plain white Sculpey-in-the-box)... "removes any plastic-y
look" from polymer clay
...developed for polymer clay (or other non-porous
surfaces) which both tints clay (will be thicker and darker in the lower
areas of textured surfaces, similar to antiquing) and also glazes it
....(for the clear "Poly-Glaze" finish
sold by Lisa Pavelka, see Finishes > Finishes
Created for Clay)
Dar paints (then
also Futures) the "silk" adhesive tape she puts
on her (book-type) blade holder as an outer spine, overlapping front and
Delta Paint Jewels paints. .
.. "the only paint that offers 21 glossy, transparent colors
that look like they are lit from within... no other paint like it. ...creates
a glass like look to a wide range of non-glass surfaces...wood, paper, paper mache,
metals, etc. ...applied directly from the bottle which is offered with a needle
nosed tip ..or with a brush."
.....Maybe you could dip a baked
bead into this paint and it will give the look of an encased bead.
you could make the raised designs as well since the bottle comes in the
small tip. Amanda
... I have used these on pc and can tell you they will dry,
but they peel off pretty easily. As someone posted,
Delta intended them for paper. ...just don't use the clear as a finish and expect
a durable long-term quality product. Patti K.
Jewel Liquid Lead – pewter, gold and white... squeezable bottle with
a needle nosed tip ...can be used with Paint Jewel colors to create Stained Glass
inspired look.
made with polymer
pastes + other ways
are various ways that polymer "paintings" can be created on flat surfaces
(of clay, liquid clay, or other "canvases" like tiles, switchplates,
ball ornaments, masonite, removable glass, etc.).
...polymer clay
itself can be thinned with Diluent
(now called Sculpey-Softener), mineral oil, or liquid clays (translucent
or opaque version) for making thinner or thicker
"paints" and "pastes"of different viscosities
and metallic powders (mica powders like Pearl Ex, real
metal powders, embossing powders, etc.) can also be mixed into
those same mediums to create paints and pastes of varying thicknesses,
a well as more particulate things aware
that the resulting paints won't harden until
they're baked, so there's plenty
of open time to work in ...they also leave no brush
........... (bake at regular time and temp. as for regular clay...
can be baked multiple times)
...tinted gel mediums
...and certain paints like
Genesis ....and even alcohol inks (used alone, like "watercolors")
can also be used to create "paintings"
....paints can be painted
onto baked liquid clay films (rather than used as the paint), or
onto raw clay w/ drawing scratched on it or freehand)
can also be created by puzzle-piecing shapes of clay , or applying
solid clay pieces "sculpted"
into place and texture
....(several techniques may also be combined
in one painting)
There are a lot of possibilities for polymer
....When I analyze the differences in Suzanne's,
mine, and yours (Valerie's,
I can see that you have more of a bas relief look, Suzanne's has the brush
stroke look to it
one I just posted of mine is more of a graphic design
....the one on the front of my web page though is much more like
yours in that small elements are sculpted and added (I used
mostly Premo and TLS mix)
....not to mention what one can get with painting with liquid clay completely
--sort of like the stained glass effect of the windows farther down
that page. Jeanne R.
& application:
paints and pastes can be applied with brushes,
palette knives, or fingers, or other tools...
....they can also be textured or "combed" with tools like
sponges, rubber-tipped brushes, wadded
plastic wrap, etc.. Katherine Dewey
you can also create freeform bas reliefs with some of them, which is nice
for landscapes
...there are so many potential applications for this product
that I could go on, and on, and on. Katherine Dewey
some bases
("canvases") :
...baked clay (sheets... beads-pendants, etc.)...
or sheet of raw clay
...baked liquid clay films
(with several coats of white gesso for smooth painting, or white glue for
thicker painting)...Art Board (see more below)
(dry in oven several hrs, then coat with liquid clay...I
do many bakings. Valerie
..."cardboard" photo storage
box (tacky glue for raw clay, 5 min. epoxy glue for baked items)
or a ceramic tile (finished clay can be removed after
baking and glued to another surface... or left on the glass)
glass ball ornament (colored or clear... no glue nec. if mechanical hold)
sheet, covered with sheet of plastic wrap --remove
finished clay from plexiglas & wrap, bake on cookie sheet
paper or waxed paper (to see through, then removed)
good board to do polymer clay painting on is the masonite board called
Art Board, sold in Michaels.... at ours, it's located in the same
row as the canvas gessoed
ones (that don't work well)
..... Art Board comes
in various sizes (it does not say masonite on it though )'s white on one side (gesso side) and dark brown (masonite color) on the
back a clear wrapper with a blue circle in upper left and the size.
...I used one of those
pre-gessoed canvas boards
they sell at Michaels, and I'm sorry to report that
the board kind of warped. It also kind og bubbled
up in spots. I laid tiles over the bubbles and weighted down thye board
w/ 2 phone books while it was still hot. The bubbles flattebed out, but the base
is still kind of u-shaped. Laurel
I tried to do a 24x36" painting in clay on clayboard (had been told that it was good in the oven to over 300 degrees and it would not shrink or expand as it was ready for use with clay)...I first made it ALL in clay----about six pounds of clay at least. But when I went to cure it, the board warped like a banana and I could watch it expand and contract........I think when we get into making a painting that large, the clay just does not have the ability to stretch that much when the wood expands. Jeanne
Guide to Surface Treatments and Finishes,
by Ellen Marshall...Polymer Cafe magazine, Fall-Winter, 2002
charts, tests, drying times, pictures of results, and deals with many products
from dye based inks to acrylic paints. Jocelyn
painting with liquid clay, etc.
I've been
having a great time experimenting with a liquid clay we have here
in Australia, called Castaway.
........ it is usually
used for making molds,
this very small landscape painting (2" x 2") only took 15-20
minutes using mostly broad strokes with the palette knife rather
than "brush" strokes
.........the house and foliage texture were added with
a wooden skewer....even thoughthe Castaway is pink, the medium still picks
up the colours of the oil paint remarkably well as you can see.
was painted directly onto a tile, and is paper
thin because I wanted to see how thin I could go without tearing it when removing
from the tile after baking. It peeled off just fine apart from the torn edges
which I rather like anyway.... Jenny (website gone)
...It sounds like the material Jenny has is similar to the thicker and opaque
original LS (not TLS), which would not be thick enough right out
of the can for palette knife painting. Jody B.
...for painting with metallic or other powders mixed into clear mediums (like Diluent, liquid clay, acrylic gel mediums, etc.), see Powders > As Paints
painting with thinned clay clay "pastes " & solid clay
R's students' paintings with very thin clay paste
applied with brushes or fingers? (not heavily
textured) snow and landscapes (mostly)
Tetzlaff's many ethereal landscape paintings
often more like paste ...but foregrounds often shallow bas relief
or onlay
various paintings
...(lesson) it's kinda like palette painting with oils or acrylic
paint where the paint is thick and applied with a palette knife
....only instead
of a knife, i use my fingers to squidgy the paint around, a needle
tool and a kinda nutpick looking tool (not a real
nutpick but has the same basic shape with a blunt, rounded tip (and I use it most).
each layer, i apply a sheet of clay and then color it, form
it and add to it as necessary, to make the painting more 3D.....i use this
method for bas relief & cameos as well.. canvas
is a baked, 1/16" sheet of scrap clay (medium on my pasta
machine), cut to shape and baked.... then i build my scene for baking,
whether it's thinner than paper or it's 1/4" thick, you bake the clay AT LEAST
for the minumum time recommended on the packaging for the clay you bought. make
a note of the temps and times, cuz it will vary from color to color for the same
brands!! some fimos are 265, others are 275.
--i use unleached premo
as it's a nice, soft clay and gets quite pliable when conditioned
--i marble-mix clay colors similar to the way you would mix paints
on your palette scraping a dab of a color here and another there
...and then smashing them in a new spot until they look the way i want them to
...or i pick up the clay mix and smoosh it in my fingers for faster mixing
if i want a whole new color instead of marbling.
--for shading,
i apply teeny, teeny scraps of clay... then smooth
apply almost no pressure so that only the clay i've just applied
gets worked, not the clay under it
...there are times when i can apply globs
and bully them, others where i apply thinly.
painting of martywoo's watercolor shack, in link above) ...clay diluted
to very thin paste like olive oil
....roof shingles
created with horizontal, overlapped and rippled, gray sheets... colors painted
on themwith finger to get painterly watercolor effect
background (tree area) was accomplished by applying several
colors higgledy piggledy in torn pieces, and then smooshing and squidgying
them with my fingers. --sunni
Jenny Dowde's paintings (using Liquid Modelene)...
(also some abstract, then covered with metallic powders)
G's elaborate "palette knife effect" landscape painting using
solid clay (Premo) + liquid clay (Kato), and acrylic paint
Toops started out treating each bead as a (blank) painter's canvas
(before she discovered canes)
....'I use (polymer clay) like I use paint,
so if I needed a certain color I would mix just a little bit of it and then press
it really thin, kind of like an oil painter, dabbing my colors onto
the clay.”
Jai's tiny texture-paintings
on flatish clay beads ("impasto")
... no liquid clay used as thinner?
outlines her design into raw clay )....adds tiny
bits of clay for the base colors with a toothpick
... then
adds and shapes more clay onto base clay ... may add a bit of metallic
powder to parts... bakes ...acrylic gloss finish)
relief and onlay
"sculpted" clay paintings)
see links just above)
Dar's seascape
painting with palm trees on a ceramic tile (onlay and puzzle-pieced)
P's lesson on covering the top of the lid of a photo storage
...(using 5 min epoxy glue for baked clay "flower"
frames with photos... and tacky glue for raw
clay embellishments --either on the small raw clay items before
placing, or on box surface for edges & allowed to tack up),1789,HGTV_3352_1399654,00.html
... Lisa's completely covered photo box, embellished with bas relief
underwater scene & Noah's
bas reliefs in two sections of a shadow box (kid)
Lee C's ..portrait of an older couple
...bas relief
Mary Lamoray's sealife,
landscapes, and animals with backgrounds,
etc. .....bas relief to high relief
R's lesson on making underwater scene on switchplate
with high relief onlays
beach scenes on large oval beads ... faux sand & ocean,
plus onlaid flowers, etc.
spring scene on the outside of an egg, in relief
S's sealife and other tiles (mostly flat onlay)
Adria's fairly flat paintings of landscapes
....using relatively few, large pieces ... uses lots of mica
Cheryl's seascape ...with white liquid clay
used white areas of breaking waves
Zhao's underwater seascape, using canes (on an egg?)
many bas relief switchplates often with with "scenes,"
landscapes, other themes like kids, sports, animals, flowers, etc.
patterns and effects
Denise G's still
life of flowers (mounted in wood frame) using Premo and Kato Polyclay
Sim's students'... their fabulous high relief to low relief "paintings"
(click on each!)
(few more in the other galleries)
also below in drawings under glass, for more of them)
various framed paintings --high relief mostly, but some mixed with low
relief or flattened cane slices
...scenes of a tree in the woods,
stone wall and ovens ... also symbolic icons
Terry Lee C's other paintings
.... seascape with figure
wonderful decorated pine tree and snowmen, night sky with
stars, snowflakes
Marie's lesson on making a bas and
high relief winter scene on a colored glass ball ornament
(no liquid clay or glue nec, but could)
showing clay snow on
the ground shaped with a metal "clay shaper" (like small,
short stiff palette knife, wood handle) clay on surface, then
manipulate with the shaper or fingers into hills, valleys, drifts,
...(for the snow "shadows") she mixes white Premo
with small flecks or gratings of turquoise, dark blue and
possibly lavender clays in the pasta machine until they begin to melt into
the white
small brighly-colored "paintings" in small frames, with
an onlay of a house, sun, etc, on a patterened clay sheet background
also an entire childlike scene ..e.g., of a house front,
yard, flowers, etc.
(click on Framed Artwork...
and on Magnets)
Caroline's seascape painting with onlaid sailboats and "frame" of window curtains (website gone)
K's using metallic powders for "painting" different colors on
a bas relief scene)
.... I recommend using colored clay underneath the coats of
powder to save time, use less powder, and give more depth
..... some of the
powders may have been Midnight Pearls and Powdered Pearls (many
of whose colors which seem brighter on clay), but rim is Pearl Ex Aztec Gold (thank
you jjjjami). Kim K.
R's "scenes" made by onlaying various colors of
soft clay she finds under her pasta machine onto a clay sheet (often
overlapped, for colorful sunsets, etc.)
( on each)
L's lesson on finding an image in a marbled sheet
of clay (like doing a Rorschach inkblot)
... to define the image,
she traces around the outline with a needletool, etc., then presses down all the
clay around it to create a bas relief ... then textures the background
Maurer's pictures and landscapes (hers made with paper, but could
be polymer).... for inspiration
drawn outline on wood, masonite, or fabric/canvas, esp.
can be drawn directly onto
any material which can tolerate the heat for curing polymer clay
many of the objects and materials just above may have be drawn on before adding
the clay, but some materials may work better for larger flat surfaces...
for example:
......masonite, wood
......natural fabric
like cotton, or thicker ones like linen, canvas, etc. (pre-wash
any that may shrink)
...paint liquid clay onto each area before laying clay
on, or saturate entire fabric
Suzanne I's lesson on creating
a small painting with sheets of clay on masonite (info from Suzanne):
does a pencil sketch outline on masonite "hardboard" (normally
dark brown), painted with (white) acrylic gesso (sev.coats?)
pre-gessoed hardboard can be bought from art supply stores or Dick Blick
...then she lays sections of differently colored (or
marbled, Skinner blended, etc.) clay sheets within the pencil lines (blocks
at time), using liquid clay underneath
...she textures the raw
clay all over (or just here and there to simulate palette
knife work and/or brushstrokes)
...bakes periodically so that part can't
get messed up later ( first shebaked up to 10 times on larger ones, but now
much less)
...she continues laying parts, texturing & baking, till finished
Suzanne I's wonderful larger & smaller (demo) paintings
with clay on masonite (Floating Mkt, Curacao; Cliffs of Acapulco).... look almost
like polymer paste
(masonite). . . I cut those larger pieces
into lots of standard picture sizes.. for polymer clay
...for the
polymer clay, I prime the surface with Tacky or Sobo white glue, and
let it dry before starting to work. (for painting, I use 2 or 3 coats
of gesso.)
bas relief to high relief framed paintings
...When I
work on wood I always prep it.... first I dry it in the oven
for several hours, then coat it with liquid clay.
....I always apply
my background first, and by the time I am finished the painting usually
has been in the oven a dozen times or more. Val
bas relief face, hair, sweater bodice painting with abstract clay
background (some parts using metallic powders)
... created on canvas
coated with liquid clay (canvas curved during baking--not pre-washed tho?
much more on creating flat-ish images in Sculpture
> Bas Relief
... and also in Kids
> Sculpting > Relief Sculpting)
drawn outline under sheet of glass or acrylic, or translucent papers
A drawing can be made on paper
(OR a photo, magazine image, coloring book page, etc
could be used)
.......the image is placed underneath a flat transparent
or translucent material so that the lines can be seen and followed when "painting"
with the clay
...If the material can tolerate our baking
temps, the clay painting can be baked right on it (then removed later,
or left on)
......sheet of glass, sheet of smooth tracing paper
or waxed paper (...or tape one of those on the glass)
the materials can't tolerate the baking temp, the painting can be
removed first, then baked alone
.......for a sheet of acrylic, for example,
can tape plastic wrap, or tracing/waxed paper to the
acrylic until time for baking, then peel it off the clay
(If you want clay be thinner and runnier, mix a small amount of Sculpey Diluent, vaseline or mineral/baby oil into it first)
has his students draw an image on paper... then re-create
the drawn image in bas relief with clay (or in 3-D)
...for creating
bas relief, the image could be placed under glass as a guide, and the clay
modeled on top of it... then baked on the glass)
(click on each!)
Glasscock made beautiful, thin bas relief scenes on glass (snow & deer winter
scene, barn scene)
... baked on glass, then put in a frame,1789,HGTV_3352_2013966,00.html
Toni's students' bas relief paintings made over magazine
images or famous paintings (Silverado HS, LasVegas)
a sheet of acrylic with a sheet of plastic wrap on
top of it (taped down) the image with pieces of clay ...
then hold the ends of the plastic sheet and place finished painting on a cookie
sheet, carefully removing plastic wrap from underneath as they do so...
they bake the painting for 30 min
......they work only with a wooden skewer
and fingers
......their clay pieces also appear to have been finely
textured with tiny lines in these photos, with a final effect like crewel
also sell some of their pieces to earn money to buy more art materials
for class),1789,HGTV_3236_2755049,00.html
have used greeting cards this way covered with plastic wrap, then made
pins. Sharon K. could also use your own photographs
as image guides, or coloring book or stained glass images, as well as lots
of other thingsl. DB
lesson on using a coloring-book-type
line drawing, on which clay shapes are added to create a picture
(this is air-drying clay, but could use polymer clay then bake...
from Bond Kelly Clay)
...also, place a sheet of glass
over the drawing to create and bake on
(Sculpey clays, and maybe the upcoming formulation of FimoSoft, will be too brittle after baking for making these paintings... would be better to use Premo, FimoClassic, Kato, or Cernit brand clay)
...see also mosaics
(regular grouted ones) in Mosaics
"micro-mosaics" formed with tiny clay ropes
Pietre Dure
...see also mandalas in Onlay
> Uses > mandalas
...see also Sheets
of Pattern > Crazy Patch for ways of using textured or non-textured
comonent pieces to create a generally abstract final image
flat onlay ("slice painting")
This technique
involves placing very thin slices from one or more canes
onto a clay base, one at a time --then rolling
them into the surface to create a "picture" or
pattern with a completely flat surface
all info about this technique, see Canes-Instr >
Overall Techniques > Slice Painting
other materials & ways to create "paintings"
(....for painting with chalks & pastels, see above in Chalks ...)
(....for painting with alcohol inks like Pinatas
as you would "watercolors" to make paintings onto raw clay, etc....see
Letters & Inks > Alcohol Inks
> paintings)
......when painting on clay with alcohol-based inks,
there is no absorption of water by clay ...rather the alcohol ink deposits the
pigment particles on top of the clay as it evaporates,
"setting" the pigment that way. Patti B.
...also see Kat's explanation
of using these above under "Watercolors"
baked films
of liquid clay can be painted on with
some paints (Genesis heat-set paints, for one)
....I'm continuing to
explore using TLS (or Kato liquid clay) as a ground for painting with Genesis
"oil" paints... I baked the liquid clay on a sheet of glass first.
I can lay the clear, thin baked sheet of liquid clay right over
my sketch and begin painting without having to redraw, transfer, or underpaint
drawback to using TLS is that it doesn't self-level
(as does Kato) leaving a bumpy, rippled surface (this might be
used to great effect for special texture if that's what's wanted though)
also tried a thick layer of Kato liquid clay, then turned the baked film
over to the smooth glassy side. Tinidril
(bottom of the page)
...have you tried putting the TLS in between
two panes of glass to keep it flat?.. squish 'em and put a weight
on top
......then both sides will be shiny, but if you want one side to be
matte, paint the TLS on parchment paper and then lay the pane on
top with a weight. Sue
.....I haven't tried this method, sounds like a good
idea... a shiny surface would be OK because when the Genesis paint dries it's
matte. If I want to gloss it up I can coat it with Kato. Tinidril
difficulty I had with the TLS sandwiched between paper and glass
was that I couldn't get the air pockets out without making the thickness of the
TLS uneven (pushing the air out made some places very thin and some very thick).
Placing a weight on top might work... what about poking a hole through
the paper above the air pocket? Hmmmm, needs more experimenting... ;) Tinidril
the painted liquid clay film is placed over a dark color mat board, it
takes on the appearance of pastels on dark paper, kind of a cool effect!
Consuelo painted on a sheet of black clay with silver Lumiere
paints (reminiscent of black & silver "scratch art")
are a heat-set, metallic paint
Genesis paint
(must be heat set) ... I've used them a little since my DH has a set....If
you love oil paints but hate to wait for them to dry, this is the
stuff for you!'s texture is very buttery
and a delight to use.
....these work much better
than (liquid clay) when you want to do refined painting
on clay, say a portrait or some other rendered subject,
...They do mix with TLS though. ....I believe that Amaco is their distributor
...My DH cures his larger paintings (on masonite or
illustration board) in my convection oven. The only serious drawback is
that this limits the size of the paintings. The Genesis people will construct
a drying box for you but it isn't cheap. The paint can also be set with a heat
gun, but this is tedious and we feel that the convection oven does a better job.
...they have a whole range of colors and offer different sets or you can buy them
individually. Jody Bishel
(for more on Genesis
water-mixable "oil" paints --actually acrylics but behave
like oils?--, see above under Oils above, and in
Mokume Gane > Paints)
"gel mediums"
...can be used on paper, canvas,
or on polymer clay (I originally was using it to make scales from my dragons)
.... they come in all sort of textures, stiffnessnesses... and gloss
through flat
....take about 24 hrs to cure completely
so there's a lot of open time ( can work with it longer).
... they tint up *beautifully* with just about any paint or pigment
you want to put in it . ...when you get the container, the gel looks white,
and when you add tint it will look very pale, however,
the stuff dries clear, so your original colors show through (...this
eliminates the color limitation of the "structural" paints which
are not clear).
... some good brands are Golden and Liquitex
.... available at art supply stores, and Michael's
....I've been trying
some of the Golden gel mediums and some of them have a lot of elasticity.
...I am thinking that I could have cured my individual polymer
pieces ...then tinted the gel medium and used it like paint
to build up
.......gel medium never has to be baked (so warping
would not have been a problem with the clayboard). Jeanne
You can also run it through just about any cake-decorating tip to make
designs. Barb
(...more info
on acrylic mediums and their types above under "Acrylic Mediums")
The black dye paste sold by the Fimo people (to turn scrap clay into usable black clay) does work well, but it is mes-s-s-y! You should probably wear rubber gloves and mask your work area well. Your food processor will need a *thorough* cleaning afterward and don't use any tools you can't clean well. After it's mixed it, it doesn't seem to come off on anything though.
can act as a substitute for resin ... it will thicken
up if I leave it out overnight or in an open container for a couple
of days color it, add some acrylic paint
pour or paint that thickened stuff inside cups, bowls (or
as pond, etc.) to simulate a transparent or translucent liquid (gravy,
......or pour/paint over bits of food stuffs on miniature plates
as thick paint-glaze
...this goopy stuff is interesting and not as
scary as resin is to some folks. Nora-Jean
misc. re "paintings"
don't use any finish on my pictures when completed. I tried
it and I just don't like the look at all. Personal preference thing. I had one
piece in particular that come to mind. It was a picture of Lilly Pads behind a
group of tree trunks. Looked really nifty. Then I decided to put on some flecto
varethane, matte finish. Yuck. I am ashamed to show it.
.....Even with a matte
finish, it just doesn't work for me at all. for one thing, you cannot easily
see the picture any more, because even matte
is too shiney (?).
...I do have one mandela that I made entirely with
pearlized clays. I am thinking about putting a finish on that to bring out depth,
but I like the piece a lot and am afraid of ruining it, so i probably won't. Bottom
line, I don't recommend sanding or buffing or putting on a finish of any kind.
Naked Clay. -byrd
polymer "paintings" might also
...bas relief (for those see Sculpting
> Bas Relief)
...caned landscapes
(see Canes-Instr.> Landscapes)
puzzle-piece sheets, like Bob's faux wood parquet or Sue's pietre dure
simulations, or Cynthia's micro mosaics, e.g. (see Faux-Turq,Wood,
and Mosaics, and
Sheets of Pattern > Crazy Patch)
...scenes created by placing cane slices very close together
.........if translucent clay is the only background clay in a cane or canes,
slices can be placed close together or slightly overlapped and thereby have their
edges melt into each other becoming effectively invisible (see Canes-Instr.
> Translucent, Close-Together)
that looks like
it was done on canvas. ...a new idea for someone to try....
....print out a color or b&w photo image on your inkjet printer (not
a mirror image) .... tape this down on a sheet of glass or cardboard or
whatever....paint over the image with liquid clay as if you were
doing an oil painting ..... when you get done, cover it with a piece of
fine gauze cloth .... then add a coat of liquid clay... bake.
(This or some variation of it should give you a "painting" that looks
like it was done on canvas. ( learned this trick from my grandmother before polyclay
was invented. We used it on those paint by number kits). Smoke
PRINTING & STENCILS (with paints, inks, etc.)
are various ways to "print" with clay.
....Paints or
inks (or even tinted liquid clays or polymer pastes, acrylic
mediums, etc.) could probably be used in one way or another.
the color would be applied to the uppermost areas of a textured or relief
surface, then pressed to paper or clay to create a reproduction
of the upraised areas. But it's also possible to use the depressed areas
(engraved, etched) to transfer the color by applying color in the low lying areas
only, then pressing paper or clay over the whole area and having it be pushed
down into the crevices and to pick up the ink.
...Some of the materials that
might be used to create textured areas for printing are:
baked or raw
clay (possibly also etched transfers or other materials which can be
indented ...woodburning tools, etc.?), photosensitive photopolymer plates
rubber (rubberstamp sheeting, or erasers, latex rubber), 2-part epoxy
putties, copper or other metal sheets, hot glue or dried
white glue, heat-impressable foams, maybe even
Or the coloring can be applied through screens such as polyester "silk"screens, PhotoEZ, with photosensitive or other materials used to mask areas not to be printed.
Simulations of printing can also include antiqued textures, "etched transfers", etc.
(to see much more on all these techniques, look in: Texturing > Texture Sheets, Carving > Etching, Stamping, Molds, Transfers)
(for making carved and/or impressed clay plates (for printing on paper with paints or etching inks .. see Carving > Etching, and also Texturing > Texture Plates)
Hard Stencils
(info on stencils for cutting sheets of clay and for masking is in Cutters-Blades > Stencils and Templates)
can be made from various materials... like paper, waxed paper, cardstock, and
even strips of masking tape or shapes of self-adhesive paper
(ike Contact paper), etc. are other possibilities.
stencils are very thin and their images tend to be smaller than other
stencils, so can be useful for clay (they're usually used for "dry embossing"
done on paper using a ball-tipped stylus over a light table) acrylic
"embossing paste" can be used with a brass stencils to create
a raised pattern (it comes in opaque white as well as translucent
and is the consistency of buttercream icing) ...I've only seen it at art stores
and rubberstamping stores so far
......a narrow metal spatula (like for frosting
a cake) is used to apply to the paste over the stencil (which has been taped
down temporarily on the receiving surface).
......after a few swipes
to remove the excess embossing paste, the brass stencil is carefully removed
to reveal the image which is now raised. takes 40-60 min to dry.
... paste can be mixed with Pearl Ex or other non-liquid
media to give it color (when left white, it looks fabulous on dark-colors)
Valerie in Chicago
can also be put on raw or baked clay through a stencil with:
paints or other media (e.g., metallic powders...chalk... paint.)
can be applied to stencil with brushes ("stencil brushes" or
others)... sponges ....rubber chisels, spatulas, or squeegees ...airbrushes....or
whatever works.
You can also 'set' the paint with a 150 degree bake at least …The paint will be much harder and "baked on" if you bake it after painting (just regular temp.)
I've had lots of experience with airbrushing and my opinion is it's too much preparation vs actual painting, but if you want to do a real quick and dirty you can do it for pretty cheap. :-) A Badger airbrush will do just fine. It's not as delicate a line as some of the more professional one, but they are much more reasonable. I think you can get one for about $45.00. And for an air supply, if you are just doing a small job, those cans of air will do just fine. They last about a half-hour - which may not seem like a lot, but most of airbrushing is cutting the stencil and cleaning the airbrush and preparing the airbrush and waiting for the ink to dry, etc., etc.... :-) I don't know what you're using it for, but the little cans will be ok for anything if it's a small job. I like Paache also for more detail but I've used the Badger with fine results. If you're using thicker paints or glazes or whatever, the Badger is actually better because the Paache will gunk up really quickly. When I was doing a lot of airbrushing, I bought a co2 tank - I was somewhere where I could drive to get it charged up. CO2 is pretty cheap. If I was doing it now, I know there are companies that deliver. You can actually rent the whole get-up - tank, regulator, etc. Jacqueline
pens ("Blo Pens") can be used on polymer (baked only?), with or
without stencils. They may be made in permanent and non-permanent pigments? Someone
has said that the ones for decorating shirts are fine for polymer. What you get
is a set of different colored pens which are placed in a holder attached to a
squeeze bulb or blowing tube; when you express air forcefully it throws some of
the vaporized pigment onto whatever it's pointed at. Diane B.
I think there
may be several types of blow pens. I bought blow pens for my daughter. It paints
like an airbrish. I used them on my eggs, but it took forever to dry. Then you
will have to be careful, what kind of finish you put over that. I tried to use
a brush and it smeared, so I had to to use a spray. Susan
I got my set at
Michael's. It's for fabric, is priced 34.95 and I used a 40% off coupon. It has
10 pens and lots of stencils. I think it will work on clay. When you do it on
fabric, you heat set with the iron so with clay you'd bake it in the oven.
You can do a shirt and have matching pendant. There are smaller sets with fewer
colors, but this big set has a foot pedal. You attach the end to the pen
and don't have to blow it with your mouth. I think they have replacement pens.
I hope so because these aren't refillable. You can check
making "stencils"...the info in each can sometimes apply to all)
The following methods (mostly) require a special light-sensitive film or coating, and a source of ultraviolet light.The UV light will "burn" an image into the photosensitive material so it can then be used as a stencil or texture plate (for polymer plates). The film must be held rigid in some way to do this, though it's possible to do the the printing step without a frame when using products which already have a frame or embedded mesh.
A "silk screen" is a piece of fine mesh polyester or nylon which must stretched tightly in a (lg. or small) wood or metal frame... and then have a light sensitive film attached; reusable for other designs if photosensitive film is cleaned off the mesh with certain chemicals).
following cannot be reused to create a new design
(unless the same chemical is used?)
.... but they can be reused at another
time using the same design --using the same or diff. colors, or on another
PhotoEZ is a silkscreen mesh attached to a photosensitive film
(not reusable for other designs)
A Print Gocco machine has mesh streched
in small cardboard? frame, with one-use UV (flashbulbs included).
(or "screen printing" or "serigraphy")
(.....for info. on ordinary stencilling and airbrushing, see Paints)
"Silkscreening is a stencil method of printmaking, in which an image is imposed on a screen of silk or other fine mesh, with blank areas coated with an impermeable substance... and ink is forced through the mesh onto the printing surface."
reason that using a mesh screen to apply paint to a surface is better
than using an ordinary stencil and simply painting or pouncing the
color on with a brush or sponge... is because a mesh screen will:
the color very evenly all areas... with no brush strokes, or sponge patterning
...allow each extremely tiny dot of color to be totally flat on
the top (because of the squeegee action), which results in a very flat appearance
Completed silkscreens (with image) can be created in different
...simplest: (best for small images) either
using a small cardboard frame (or use illustration board or wood/plywood,
or anything which will work) with the mesh & masking
....can make your
own small wood frames for stretching the mesh (see "quick screens"
& Jean Ray Laury below)
...or using PhotoEZ mesh-and-emulsion-sandwich
screens (see below)
...wood or metal screens--hinged or not (esp. good for
larger images or many prints)... screen mesh must be stretched tightly,
then masking applied for the image, before printing (the edges of the screen where
it meets the frame are sometimes also masked with masking tape as well because
those areas would be harder to clean
--general silkscreening:
The "silk screen" fabric nowadays
is actually a special polyester or nylon mesh fabric
(around $14/yd) which can be bought at art supply stores, or at silk screening
supply stores
......... a low count mesh ( 37-105 threads/inch) allow
more ink to pass through (often used to print on absorbent materials) ...high
count mesh (195-305) allow less ink to pass through (often used to print on
less absorbent materials...PVC, glass, metal, etc) and will give finer detail
"I prefer monofilament because the mistakes wash out
more easily! Once you get the process down and ruin few screens, and want
to keep the successful screens on file, then go with the less expensive
multi-filament that doesn't wash out mistakes well."
mesh fabric is generally stretched tightly over a small or large frame
(wood, metal, or cardboard if small) for ease of use, and multiple
....some type of masking material is then attached on one side of
the screen (see below)
....paint or "ink"
is then squeegeed over the whole screen (and image masking material) ... this
forces the paint down through the screen in any areas which aren't blocked by
the masking material
....this process can be done onto waiting paper, fabric,
clay, etc
.....diff. paints and inks must be used for various materials
(to create patterns on the screen) can be done in simple or more complicated
Jean Ray Laury's book (Imagery on Fabric
--a fabulous book!) can easiliy apply
to clay instead of fabric
...the method she calls "quick-screening"
is a combination of stencil and silk screen printing
...she gives loads of
info on using plain paper, freezer paper, and photo emulsions
for masking on her small screens, as well as "stencils" from thermofax
....she also deals with one way of making a less-complicated,
temporary frame for silkscreening . . as well as many other ways to "print"
on fabric (or anything).,1789,HGTV_3305_1391774,00.html
x 10" silk screen frame covered in 14-mesh polyester (or anything close) available
at large art supply store or university book store
masking material can be simple (e.g. cut-out shapes of paper), but
this doesn't allow as much detail in the image as
the following:
........the masking material can be an opaque light-sensitive
(photo emulsion) film, or a painted-on, 2-part liquid which forms
a film when dry ... one of these is placed onto the mesh in the areas to be blocked
from paint
............if the masking material is light-sensitive, the pattern
will have to be "burned off"any areas you want paint to be allowed to
pass through the mesh .... (a UV light source
like sunshine or a sun lamp is used for this)
very dark photocopy on overhead transparency sheet (or a
special light blocking film called Rubylith)... or a drawing using
India Ink, or a photocopy made on a translucent paper (we sometimes
used good quality tracing paper so we didn't need
to buy tranparency sheets), is what is laid on the
film to create the actual pattern to be burned
.............after exposure
(burning), the film areas which were blocked by the opaque/dark parts of the image
can then be removed with a water rinse.
.....the completed screen is
then ready to use for printing
materials used with regular silkscreening:
stencils can be made from various materials:
.....paper (up to 30 prints)
sheet of white paper may be used for the paper stencil. A drawing is made of any
design or thick-lined letters may be used by cutting them with an X-acto knife.
Take a clean screen and, using masking tape or packing tape, create a mask on
the inside leaving an area that is smaller than the paper stencil free. Place
the stencil on the surface to be printed, on top of the screen On the inside of
the mesh apply some ink, print, and gather the ink against the frame. Now take
it back to the starting point. If it you are printing on cloth, pass the ink over
twice. Other surfaces require only one once over. Lift the mesh and notice that
the paper stencil has stuck to the mesh because of the ink. Do not remove it if
you are going to make more prints. Normally, a paper stencil can last for up to
30 consecutive prints.
....Jean Ray Laury uses freezer paper
as stencils for adhering to mesh before screening it
....(water soluble)
block-out or screen filler or masking tape can be used for some
.... films (cellulose on vinyl backing, Rubylith)... light-sensitive
films (photo emulsions)
Consists of green cellulose layer on a vinyl support. Place a piece of film over a design you want to copy. The vinyl towards the design and the green cellulose facing upwards. Set with tape and trace it with an X-acto blade. Only the cellulose layer should be cut without perforating (adhere to mesh with laquer thinner)
cleaning...take screen outdoors for best ventilation... use a stencil remover
paste or liquid sodium hypochloride, or use any commercial bleach with
equal parts water... scrub on ... let set 5 min.. rinse with water...repeat several
times.... mineral spirits/lacquer thinner will remove more diffficult spots.
Silk screens with photo emulsions are often used for production since they last through many screenings (prints).
Mix up your photo emulsion according to the directions on the package. The emulsion has two parts, the first being a viscous blue or pink liquid, the second a clear "activator." The emulsion is light-sensitive when these two parts are combined, attaining its greatest sensitivity when fully dry. However, in its liquid form, the emulsion is slow-acting enough to be used under regular lighting conditions as long as you work quickly and avoid the sun.
Before you
can use the mesh in the frame, the cloth mesh must be cleaned and degreased.
....Rinse the screen and then apply a cleanser (Ajax/Comet) and scrub the
screen with a brush or sponge. Be sure to wash out all of the soap after you have
cleaned the screen. OR? (nylon?) Mix one part household bleach to three parts
water or a strong solution of Mr. Clean detergent in a plastic spray bottle or
bucket. (You can also use a commercial screen-degreasing liquid for this step,
but it's more expensive.)
2. Sponge or spray onto both sides of the silk screen.
3. Rinse well with clear water.
4. Allow to dry fully.
....8. Spread
newspaper on a table. Dampen a sponge and your screen. Place your film on the
newspaper with the shiny side down. Carefully lay the moistened screen on the
film. The film should begin turning a darker green. Using the sponge and newspaper,
dab the water from the screen, pulling it and the film up through the screen.
Do not rub or it will smear the film. Lay newspaper over the screen and roll it
to remove any remaining water. Too much water and the film will dissolve, too
little water and the film won’t adhere to the screen.
9. Allow the screen and
stencil to dry overnight. Carefully peel the clear plastic backing from the screen.
After use, remove any masking.
If making a hinged (fixed) frame, stencil must be placed on screen emulsion upside-down and backwards so it will print correctly.
...All of my pieces are made by layering images under tissue thin layers of translucent clay. Then, after curing, LOTS of sanding and buffing. Most of my work is hand buffed. I only use a buffing wheel for the most extreme, high gloss, glass like shine, which, I use very sparingly. I believe this method gives you the riches and most depth to your surface finishes.
and paints for printing
(depends on the surface material
being printed on, and whether will need to be waterproof)
ACRYLCS? (water washup
but permanent) ... on paper, fabric, clay, etc.
....I've tried
the paint (or ink?) that PhotoEZ comes with and it seems to be very compatible
with the clay. Dotty in CA
use Versatex textile paint which works great for me. Dotty
......(or use an acrylic paint with fabric medium such as
Golden's Silkscreen Medium or Golden's Silkscreen Medium for washable
items), for fabric only?)
...if using acrylic paints, choose thick & slow drying types
......(& don't use acrylic metallic paints
unless you use the standard res. mesh because
they're just too thick?
......Gwen recommended the thickest
verison of the brand Golden acrylic paint in her class, but folks
naturally have other brads on their personal stock, including LiquiTex
and Rembrandt (someone who's been working with the PhotoEZ about as long
as Gwen identified Rembrandt as the best)
ink on that particular image may seem more opaque because I mixed
the gold with titanium white (paints). Desiree
"block printing" inks (like Speedball, etc.)
come in 2 versions (one is permanent , the other isn't --needs solvent
for clean-up?)
...sweatshirts and t-shirts are often screenprinted with a
silkscreen ink called plastisol ink (or
paint"?) --which may be related to the plasticizers in polymer clay?'s very permanent, but unfortunately requires
cleaning up with solvents
...for printing on paper,
water-soluble block printing inks can also be used for easier clean-up... can
spray lightly with acrylic sealer afterward to make somewhat waterproof if desired
(If printing on baked clay)... the paint will be much harder and "baked on" if you bake it after painting with a 150 degree bake at least …
of my pieces are made by layering one or more (screenprinted) images under
a covering of tissue thin layer of translucent clay... after curing,
LOTS of sanding and buffing (most is hand buffed.... I only use a buffing wheel
for the most extreme, high gloss, glass like shine, which I use very sparingly).
I believe this method gives you the riches and most depth to your surface finishes.
...Gwen Gibson often uses liquid clay over her final images, then
sands and buffs.
printing..... once when photo silkscreening, I accidently rolled some (pattern)
onto my work surface (throu the screen?)
... so then I used a sheet of
raw clay to pick up the design from my work surface (this
is the way offset printing works) and it transferred perfectly. ....s oooo, perhaps
you could screen onto scrap raw clay, then pick up the raw, and offset it onto
the baked clay. ?? Maureen
started screenprinting on polymer with Photo-EZ....but I found over time that
I was not getting the surface properties that I wanted
with it
.... plus I was unable to get good
registration on multi-color screen prints that
required tight registration) I moved to traditional frame-based screens
and Diazo-Photopolymer (Dual-Cure) Emulsions. I love this water based system and
use it in 95% of my screenprinting work). Seth
MORE INFO on screenprinting
(lots of topics)
(stretching, taping & sealing a regular silk screen)
simpler "stencils" for printing
Jean Ray Laury discussesmany
types in her fabulous book
called Imagery on Fabric
....for masking materials then printing (on
fabric or on anything), she covers 4 basic methods:
plain paper ...clear
Contact Paper (or freezer paper for fabric) emulsions ...(oil
based) tusche & thinned glue (water-based)
...the book
also deals with one way of making a less-complicated, small temporary???
frame for silkscreening
(the plain paper or Contact
Paper prints usually yield "positive prints")
paper method ... use a "hard" surface paper (can do 20-30 prints
before becoming too waterlogged)... no soft paper or waxed paper (...tissue paper
can be used but won't last long and will cause increasing visual texture in the
....for a positive print, cut paper to exact size of frame bottom,
then cut or tear parts (gen. out of center) ... tape at least one side of paper
to frame bottom... (do a test first) ...turn over and place frame-with-stencil
on surface to be printed .. place small amount of paint onto
"quick screening" method for fabric
could be modified for clay by using her Contact Paper
method instead (see just below)
.....for this, uses a blank,
stretched screen placed on top of a stencil to help apply paint evenly
in the stencil's pattern (is described in a few of her books)
follwogin lesson on that method is from another of her books --No Dragons
on My Quilt,1789,HGTV_3305_1391774,00.html
.......she screenprints a simple shape using a small premade
silk screen frame (8"x10" --with stretched
14-mesh polyester pref.) (available at large art supply store or university
book store)...
.......because she's using more than one color,
she uses a a freezer paper stencil for each color (all exactly the same height
& width) for registration purposes ... she draws or traces the desired
shape onto the freezer paper, then cuts it out with an Xacto knife
..... she
then irons (med. hot) the freezer paper stencil onto her background fabric (on
clay, we'd have to burnish it onto raw clay sheet, if it weren't baked?) ...places
the blank screen in frame over the stencil ...applies a couple teaspoons
of Versatex paints (or other heat-set, water-base textile
paints) somewhere on the stencil paper (not over the stencil opening),
then squeegees it over the entire screen (couple of times if nec.)... (wash
screen immediately) ...lets paint dry 1-2 hrs.
then removes first stencil (and heat sets ... we woulnd't do this)
second stencil with same registration (and squeegee second color on)
frame over Contact Paper (CP), and mark frame's
CP (plastic side up) over desired pattern & trace... cut through plastic only
if poss., and try not to cross cuts (use continuous cutting)... remove cut shape...
gently peel plastic from CP backing and press sticky side to bottom of blank mesh
in frame so it completely covers bottom exactly (if need registration for
second color, etc.)... turn frame over and burnish with a spoon through the mesh,
esp. edges of shape
...(if stencil begins to loosen eventually, it can
probably be rejuvenated by removing, cleaning paint, hanging to dry face out --stickiness
will gen. return with most brands... readhere to mesh ...when finished with a
run, clean screen well in cool water, using toothbrush if nec. (may be
stained but still works okay)
PhotoEZ silkscreening
silkscreen & photosensitive film, in one)
makes PhotoEZ silkscreening different from regular
silkscreening, is that Photo EZ is comprised of a sheet of mesh with the
light sensitive film already applied.
( a
couple of steps in regular silkscreening can be avoided... and using it for small
images can be easier)... developed by Bill ____
.....see "regular"
silkscreening just above for more tips, etc.
for PhotoEZ:
....creator of PhotoEZ & his sister:
...........they also sell on Ebay
....through Gwen Gibson:
...Desiree's lessons
(2 pages)
...Gwen Gibson's lessons
lessons (using clay or other things, plus other tips)
(note: one page is a PDF file)
...Nan Roche's article
in the Feb 2000 Polyinformer re silk-screening on polymer clay (no
various silkscreened pendants
Linda G's freestanding cylinder-type lamps with silkscreenings on
translucent clay
lentil shapes and inro box (website gone)
overview . . . PhotoEZ is a photo-sensitive plastic film with an embedded
.... Exposing the film to *strong* light actually changes the film
from a water soluble material to a water resistant one. ...If you selectively
block light from certain areas, then soak the film in water, the parts that didn't
see light will dissolve away leaving the mesh uncovered
... Your light source
for developing the film can vary.....there's an instruction sheet included with
the PhotoEZ sheets which has a table listing the proper light sources and the
length of exposure time for each source. Desiree
create the image on the blank PhotoEZ film sheet, parts of the film must be "burned
away" by using an opaque photocopy or drawing to block
the light during exposure (see more above). DB
...the more
opaque you can make the image, the better.... I've found photocopied images
aren't nearly as dark as laser printed images
....if you can go over
the image with a black pen to intensify the opacity, you'll make a crisper
stencil. Desiree
PhotoEZ mesh
comes in two versions of "resolution" ...Standard
or High
STANDARD resolution has larger holes in the mesh and
may sometimes produce jagged, less fine lines... but it must be used for certain
........the standard resolution version is what Gwen used in her class.
It works great.
....... I have only used the regular mesh and have gotten pretty
fine details with it. I have some of the high resolution mesh ...I've not used
the finer resolution PhotoEZ yet. Desiree
if you want to apply any metallic
paints (e.g. gold, silver,
interferences, iridescents) you must use the standard mesh as the mica
particles will irrepairably clog the high resolution
mesh. ....and even when using the glitteries like
gold or copper, you must use the paints labelled "Fine"
(the Golden brand of acrylic paints has that type).
......another nice
feature about the standard mesh with regard to polymer clay is it allows you to
deposit more paint on the clay than with Riso (Print Gocco) screen process.
frame (for exposure). . .
....during the burning, the
screen must pressed tight against the image or it will result in a fuzzy image
from light leaking under it, so a "contact frame" (as
with making contact prints in regular photography) should be used ... in this
case, screen and image are sandwiched tightly between a rigid
black foam-covered board and a piece of clear plastic (or glass)...
clips are used on the edges to hold everything together tightly.
I now use a thick sheet of glass to lay over the image & screen
instead of the plastic. It's very heavy so I don't need to clip
the items together. Dotty in CA sure the edges of the glass are
covered or burnished, or you can cut your fingers. Deidre
sandwich is then exposed to UV light... remove PhotoEZ... soak
in water, then rinse under running water till full image appears
made my own contact frame using a piece of cardboard, black
paper, a sheet of glass and duct tape.
I was able to expose
some of the Photo-EZ screens and have been playing with the resulting screens
. . . it has been great fun! Spend the extra few bucks, get the 5 sheet package
and forget about the contact frame. You can cobble one up easily enough. Kathy
...I also made a larger one using two 10"/12" plexiglass sheets, 4
jumbo binder clips (one per side) and a black sheet of construction paper. It
also works fine, plus I can develop an entire 8x11 sheet of stencils at
one time. ...Gwen's black pad provides just enough padding for the paper/transparency
and PhotoEZ sheet to nestle into though, thus doing a little better job of preventing
light leaking in from the sides.
...What also helps is making sure the backing
pad or black paper is truly effective in blocking light. I use extra stiff heavy
black construction paper. I held it up to the sun and couldn't see any light peeking
through.... If you make your own development (contact) frame, there are some key
things to keep in mind.. . . Control the light so it only comes
in from the top and is totally blocked from the back and the sides. The
frame should be tightly clamped when in use. . . . Oh, and the top panel,
glass or otherwise, should have no UV deflecting or light
alterating properties in it. Desiree
...I too like using the cling
vinyl sheet that comes in the kit. I have made my own contact frames, but
still like to lay down the cling vinyl as a backing. I think because its
soft and has some give, you get perfect contact.
of the best ways i have found to make a contact frame is to get a cheap 11X14
frameless picture frame. one that uses Swiss clips to hold a peice
of glass to a backing board. I cover the backing board with black felt and then
use 4 to 6 large butterfly binder clips ( like Desiree suggests). I like using
the frameless rrame because the glass edges are finished and there is no need
to tape them out. ...Dick Blick has them for 4 bucks...Seth
sandwich order: Place hard cardboard first, black felt second, PhotoEZ (green) third (shinny side up), photocopy fourth (copy side down), and glass last. Deidre
Be sure to remember to remove the plastic
backing!! I don't want to tell you how many times I forgot to do that. Dotty
in CA
(UV) light
.... cool, full spectrum florescent light
sources will work as well as sunlight ...I found a great light source at Orchard
Supply Hardware. It's a 200 watt equivalent compact florescent bulb called
a "Lights of America Mega Light". It's not cheap, though. It cost me $15.00.
But it makes a crisp, sharp stencil, gives off a bright warm light, is supposed
to last 7 years and only uses 45 watts. Desiree
..... Desiree
florescent light (size?) works just fine for small graphics.
It doesn't cover enough area for larger ones which I now do out in the sun. Dotty
in CA
...sunlight is quite simple, the strongest light, and the quickest
development situation.
..........however, since I work in an office during
the day, I'd have to wait
until the weekend to get the best light and develop stencils. Desiree
lamps also have UV bulbs
far, I've developed PhotoEZ with the following times and
- sunlight and images on overhead transparency (develop
time 50 -60 secs)
- sunlight and images on white paper (5 min)
- 200W
EQV florescent light and images on overhead transparency (11 min)
- 200W
EQV florescent light and images on white paper (35 min)
developing PhotoEZ with images printed on white paper takes longer,
you don't have to buy the transparencies. Desiree
I held it outside in the sun for about two minutes. Deidre
exposure, on a nice sunny day, should be five minutes. That always seems to work
for me.... I lay everything out on the grass in the sun, and turn on my oven timer.
Dotty in CA
the timing carefully. ...the PhotoEZ instruction sheet specifies
times for different lighting sources, but it may not be apparent that those timings
are requirements, not guidelines.
the film is under-developed, more of the film will
wash away, perhaps in areas where you wanted it to stay.
.. If the film is
over-developed, areas that you wanted to wash away
may not wash away completely. Desiree)
...The reason your green plastic
came off when you used a sponge is because your screen was underexposed.
Dotty in CA
undeveloped PhotoEZ from unwanted exposure:
your PhotoEz in a dark place that's not too hot (..being in the
light for a minute or so won't bother it though because it's a slow-exposing
...You'll need to put your PhotoEZ "sandwich"
inside something that really blocks the sunlight so you don't overdevelop
the film. Desiree
the screens:
...especally if you're used acrylic
paints for screening onto the clay, IMMEDIATELY (albeit gently)
wash the screen in cool water to remove all traces of the paint. This
is very impoacrylicrtant to assure your screen lasts as long as possible. Remember
- IMMEDIATELY! ;-) Desiree
...The paint can dry very
quickly on the screens making it difficult to clean, which clogs
the holes of the screen and makes the next paint applications inferior
over time.
.....Keeping a bucket of water near your work station,
in which you can immediately submerse your screen in, can be handy. This
makes your screen cleaning easier when you get back to it. Des?
clean the screens, I use the rubberstamp cleaner put out by Marvy called
"Marvy's Magic Cleaner". Works good for me. tlc
...Afterwards, I take
the screen back outside in the sunshine and let it sit until completely dry. Dotty
in CA
Also dry the
screen as flat as you can, so that it will work optimally for the
next use.
... because it has no rigid frame, one
positive thing is that when you screen onto raw clay, and your screen is really
flat, you can press it against the clay and it stays nicely in place. However,
if you aren't careful and don't dry your screen really flat, it rather difficult
to get it to snug against the clay. When this happens, the ink or paint tends
to get under the image in places where you don't
want it. Dotty in CA
Gibson's silkscreening with acrylic paint
onto unbaked polymer clay
...apply the
printed clay to whatever you want, and bake. Beautiful, beautiful
...Gwen Gibson introduced a few of our guild members to a silk
screening technique using a relatively new material, whose creator is Bill ____
in San Jose, CA..... if you're familiar with the concepts and process of silk
screening or stenciling, you should have little trouble grasping the basic concepts.
I use either side of the PhotoEZ when painting on
the clay.... If you are silk screening on fabric
though, which side to use is more important.. Dotty CA
...others recommend
the ___ side?
(To adhere the PhotoEZ stencil to the material to be printed on) ...Use stencil adhesive (spray adhesive) or masking tape to help secure your stencil and prevent bleeding .. If you’re using spray stencil adhesive, spray from a distance of 1 to 2 feet with one quick squirt. This prevents clogging the stencil. PhotoEZ
have doubts that anything is needed to seal if the
paint has been properly applied and everything properly baked. I assume that once
baked, the polymer and the acrylic practically fuse.
...However, Gwen Gibson
prefers to cover the painted surface with a very thin layer of
TLS (sanded and buffed).
..... I've done that on some pieces. I've used
semi-gloss Flecto Varathane on other pieces. Both provide very nice but
very different finishes. The TLS gives you a finish that
feels kind of like smoothed earthen clay. I haven't tried glazing with
the full gloss varathane but I plan to soon.
other light
blocking pattern/image materials:
... shapes you've cut
out using dark construction paper
...stencils ... brass, etc.
rubber stamp image, stamped onto an overhead transparency sheet (make sure
the ink is as opaque as possible)
... image printed
or photocopied onto an overhead transparency sheet ... any monochrome
image you can scan into, and print out from, a computer
is a candidate
...Randomly sprinkle some heart shaped confetti on the
PhotoEZ sheet, and expose to light. Remove the confetti and soak the sheet in
water. The areas not allowed to see light dissolve away. ...Once dried, place
the sheet on polymer clay. Wipe paint across the sheet. Whatever you've placed
the stencil on ends up with little randomly placed painted stars. (to see these,
go to D's below .."background pattern"...Desiree
can randomly blob acrylic paint on the clay, tap and blot with your
fingers, then perform a final blotting with the textured paper towels to remove
excess paint.
...I'm hoping to use PhototEZ to make my own custom fabric
for wallcoverings, draperies and upholstery in my dollhouse. :-)... tiny
little white-on-white prints would be so pretty - Elizabeth
Desiree's use of powdered dye under the silkscreening (for more info, see PaintsPowdered Dyes --click on Next to see the baked version)
sometimes uses more than one screen for an image, so that she can
create larger areas of coverage, then go back and print details on top of it in
a different color with a diff. stencil. DB... can silk screen a
background pattern made from one of your PhotoEZ stencils before
adding the main image. Desiree
after applying the acrylic paint to raw
polymer clay, it can be rubbed or pulled off . . . in some cases
if you screen, say, a second layer of paint to a piece, then when pulling
off the PhotoEZ, it may pull off bits of first layer of paint with it. This tendency
varies depending on whether you use Premo or Fimo and the brand of paint
used. As far as clay goes, the tendency is much greater with Premo
brand polymer clay than Fimo. I believe it may have to do with the variations
in plasticizer or that there is more plasticizer in Premo.
....You can help
the paint adhere much better by drying the paint briefly with a blow dryer.
Just be careful to only dry the paint and not cure the clay. Desiree?
the side of your lentil with the peacock did you do two screenings, one
for the shades of turquoise and the other shades of yellow? If so, how long did
you wait before applying the second one?
...........Wait until the layer
is no longer tacky - about 10 - 20 minutes, I think. Desiree
Can you cut the PhotoEZ sheets into smaller
....Oh, yes. No problem. I bought the 5 sheets in a bag packet.
I've pulled out a full 8.5" X 11" sheet and cut it up into four 5.5" X 4.25" pieces,
returning three of those pieces to the black plastic bag. Depending on the size
of the image I want to develop, I may even cut that piece in half. Then I feel
like I've got tons of film pieces to develop. Desiree
IDEAS from PhotoEZ:
· Apply paint with small foam
paint rollers or plastic spatula .... When using brushes
make sure they are well loaded.
· Use as a rubber stamp
by gluing foam on a block of wood, load with paint, place PhotoEZ™ on top and
start stamping
..... wrap PhotoEZ™ around a paint-loaded paint roller
and roll your pattern on.
· For a great way to emboss or apply gold
leaf, try stenciling thick water-soluble glues such as Elmer’s® Gel Glue
to develop a PhotoEZ stencil
1) In a poorly lit room, remove
a sheet of the PhotoEZ film from its black plastic bag. It's a rich emerald green.
It may be necessary to cut the sheet to desired size. After cutting, return any
pieces you're not going to use back in the black plastic bag to minimize developing.
2) Remove the protective plastic sheet from the film.
Make the following
sandwich, starting at the bottom: - a black background (preferably very slightly
padded), - PhotoEZ film (shiny side up, mesh side down), - light blocking pattern/image
(more on this later), - clear glass or lucite.
3) Clamp the sandwich so nothing
slips or moves.
4) Orient the sandwich so light directly hits the film. Develop
film for the time required for that light source - no shorter no longer. The material
comes with an instruction sheet that lists the proper development times per light
5) Unclamp the sandwich. If you examine the film, you'll see the
areas exposed to light will be a slightly darker green. Soak the film in clean
water for 10 - 11 minutes.
6) Gently shake the film while in the water and
gently, gently wipe away the dissolving film with a soft natural sponge.
7) Sandwich film between some paper towels and press gently to remove excess water.
Remove film from paper towels and allow film to completely air dry.
8) Re-expose
film to light source for 10 - 11 minutes to further cure/toughen the film. Now,
the film is ready for use.
9) Lay film, mesh side up, on polymer clay.
Squeegee thick acrylic paint across the film.
Immediately, if not sooner,
put film in clean water and gently wipe to remove paint from the film.
film. Desiree
I started
screenprinting on polymer with Photo-EZ....but I found over time that I was not
getting the surface properties that I wanted
with it
.... plus I was unable to get good
registration on multi-color screen prints
that required tight registration (so I moved to traditional frame-based screens
and Diazo-Photopolymer (Dual-Cure) Emulsions. I love this water based system and
use it in 95% of my screenprinting work). Seth
(see above in "Silk
Last time I saw Bill, he was working on a alternate system which relied on thin flexible plastic sheets that clung together via static. ....the top sheet was clear, the bottom one opaque black.... When comparing the old rigid model to his (more flexible) prototype though, I have to say I prefer the control the rigid one provides. Desiree.)
Print Gocco machine for silkscreening (expensive)
also another article in the latest PolyInformer on using the Gocco printer.
Also, they give info on where to get the items needed to do this. Dotty in CA
....Print Gocco website:
(I believe the machine is over $100; it uses special
light-bulb-flashes and special screens to burn in a screenable image).
One caveat: each exposure (pattern)
will require two unused bulbs --around
$1 for each bulb-- and one screen --around
$2 each, so it may work best for production runs of the same image.
Davis has successfully used the Gocco printer, but she removed
the screen from the frames, which makes it easier to apply the
paint without having it creep behind the screen where it shouldn't be
.. .
.after burning the screen, remove it from the frame, lay it down on
the raw clay and burnish it with your fingers to make
certain it's snug against the clay
.... then apply the paint and squeegee
off. ....let paint dry..., then bake. (this is basically
the way we do it with the Ez-Stencil screens). Dotty in CA
printing with Polymer
Plates ("SolarPlates")
impressing relief textures.... or crevice-printing
(plastic or
metal backed polymer film --no frame needed)
(These are somewhat similar to the purchased or home-made "texture sheets" which are made from sheets of polymer clay or rubberstamp rubber material --those are discussed in Textures > Texture Sheets, and are also the material from which Posh Clear Stamps are made --see Stamps > Having Your Own Made...also polymer plates made from baked and/or raw polymer clay sheets can be used with inks and paints to print on paper --see Carving > Etching)
info and materials to purchase:
(prices vary)
...this company.will actually create the polymer
plates from your images like ReadyStamps does!)
...FAQ's for plates, types, cleaning, printing,
Photopolymer plates are generally used for printmaking....
they are plates of plastic (clear & flexible) or metal
(opaque & not flexible), coated with a polymer that is sensitive
to UV light. Seth
...The plastic-backed plates can be cut with
scissors or an Xacto.
We can use these plates in various ways after exposing them --as sheets of texture, or shallow "molds" of images, or even for "printing" with paints & powders before impressing into raw polymer clay.... if cut apart, they can be mounted and used as stamps (see Stamps > Bought for some companies who make these).
These polymer plates all require exposure to sunlight or another ultraviolet light source such as sunlight, a sunlamp, or special UV fluorescent bulb... an image (computer printed or opaque drawing) is thereby "etched" into the photosensitive coating (film) of the plate with UV light... then the completed plate is then used as a thin texture or image sheet for stamping, texturing, bas relief reproductions, etc.
The newer inks in some printers will not work for these solar techniques because they are UV resistant, in an unusual way...UV passes right through the ink... transparencies printed for the purpose of exposing solar plates produce an etched plate that appears frosted, not the deep "rubber stamp" type impression I get with the regular dye-based printer inks. Katherine
The image is drawn onto
transparent acetate, mylar, Xerox or a glass surface with light-stopping
materials such as liquid opaque paint or ink, rubylith films, lithographic
crayons and certain black pencils, or found objects, photographic negatives?,
. . . or the image may be printed onto the acetate with
an inkjet printer, a photocopier
(set as dense and dark as possible), or oiled paper.
"transparency" is then used as a contact positive or negative
to create the plate.
....intaglio plates are created from a
positive image on the film
....relief plates are
created from negative images
(After the image is copied
or somehow created on the transparent film,) the film is laid on top of the Solarplate
polymer, which is both light sensitive and water-soluble. . . . When light from
the sun (or any UV light source) hits the plate, the parts exposed
to the light harden (polymerize) but the parts of the plate blocked
from light remain soluble and are then washed away with tap
......... this process leaves behind a relief on
the plate, which is then used in the same way you use texture plates. Seth
print (on paper), either oil based or water based inks can be used.
The plate is composed of two parts:
steel, aluminum or film (which functions as a backing) and a
polymer coating that hardens when exposed to UV light..
or all?) polymer plates are also called flexographic plates because of
their flexibility
... (The new eco- friendly photopolymers wash away
with water and soft nail brush and require no special chemicals.) . . .
the plates as you would rubberstamps or etching plates to impress patterns
in the clay, though a release agent (water or talc) is required. (There's
a little more to the process than stated here, but it really is a simple technique
and the sun makes an ideal UV source.) . . .
...I like the film-backed
plates for their flexibility and shallow depth -- they work well with the
pasta machine) Katherine
...Katherine has a guide on how to use
(scroll down to Solar Plates) & also some downloadable patterns
I am working out what i like
each of the polymer thicknesses for. I sometimes like the deeper plates
for diffrent techniques. i just got some .027 and a .007 to try out some ideas.
More like etching than texture. Seth
..these plates have
reduced time I spent scribing precise patterns in clay.
best time saver is the computer; images drawn on the computer are
scalable at the click of a mouse and always as hand for me to print out ...and
transfer to the plate and then to the clay. . . I'm now able to repeat
both intricate bas reliefs or tiled textures in the size I want
when I want. Katherine Dewey
Another factor to consider with
creating photopolymer plates is the thickness of the linework in
the (original) pattern. ...of course, fine lines etch with
less relief than large areas (when making a plate). . . .the Tapestry
pattern on my website (see elvenwork link above) produces an interesting
(finished) plate with two levels of relief: the large fiddlehead
ferns and grape leaves stand out in sharp relief while the finer scrollwork and
vines are shallower.... easy to paint in two colors because of this
.....lay on the first coat of paint with
enough pressure to color both the fine line work (& the thicker leaves)....let
.....lay on a second coat of paint with less pressure
(this is the tricky part), just enough to color the thicker leaves, leaving
the fine line work untouched.... let dry. Katherine
can also leave paint or powder in the crevices of an image
or texture by using a finished polymer plate as a stamp... (final result
is like an "antiqued" image, though a diff. process is used)
plates are closer to rubber stamps in their applications for the polymer
clay artist, but there is a method you can use to get a painted or powdered image
(on a flat sheet of raw clay which looks) similar to, but not
as precise as silkscreening .... works best with a shallow plate
but I've done it with deeper plates to good effect.......... lesson:
...impress the design in the raw clay
...paint the raised
(background) pattern using a costmetic foam wedge (or foam brush) by
gently grazing the surface. ...let the paint dry
...roll the raw textured
and painted sheet through the pasta machine to flatten it...the
painted (or powdered) pattern will remain.
Best results depend on the depth
of the plate, your skills with the applicator, and the type of paint
(some may crack, an interesting effect). Katherine
(a similar final effect can be created without
a "stamp-like" polymer plate painting or powdering an already
impressed clay sheet, baking, then sanding off the powder or paint from
the upper areas, leaving only the stamped image treated)
The Artisans Choice product (Transfers Unlimited--see above under Liquid ) is also a UV-light-sensitive polymer system, but in a liquid form. Seth (their kit includes a fluorescent blacklight for exposing it).
I also love to take an element say a squigel and just start to " play"
with it... retrograding it, rotating it until i have an "element"
i like... from there i just try various step and repeats. . . .
I can spend hours in a trance like state just trying out diffrent diapers.
And the computer makes keeping diapers libraries and templates a breeze.
is a diaper? a quick answer is a grid in which a repeating pattern
is created... diapers can be very complex but once you understand the 8 basics
you have a foundation to build any repeating pattern on.) Seth
...(for much
more on repeating patterns and diapers, and creating them, see Canes--Instr.
> Symmetry > Repetition)
See also: Transfers (chalks), Lettering-Inks, Pens, Color, Faux’s, Other Materials (glass paints, resins, etc.), Carving (true etching)